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  • Melatonin

    Just wondering if anyone here uses melatonin or any other sleep aids. Ive always been a terrible sleeper; it usually takes me at least an hour and a half to get to sleep. Recently ive had great results using a certain substance that were not supposed to talk about on this board, but im worried about damaging my lungs. If anyone knows much about melatonin or has used it, please let me know. thanks,


  • #2
    it works well, seemed to make me slightly anxious the next day but not bad at all. Give it a shot, it is cheap as hell. Try some valerian root too, it helps to relax you, smells like shit but works


    • #3
      I like melatonin. Some people get freaky dreams so you need to find out what works for you. Start at 1mg and go from there. I like 3mg.


      • #4
        melatonin causes a release in GnIH(gonadotropin inhibitor hormone--i believe thats the name)....GnRH(gonadotropin releasing hormone) is released from hypothalamus and stimulates pituitary to release LH which stimulates testicles to release TESTOSTERONE. so in other words....melatonin will severely lower your testosterone levels. (they just recently discovered GnIH while testing melatonin effect on birds)....


        • #5
          found the article...

          Melatonin shrinks bird gonads. What does the popular supplement do in humans?


          • #6
            I've used melatonin on occasion with varied results, but I have always had really weird dreams when taking melatonin. Try velarian root if you suspect that the sleeping trouble is due to tension. Quite honestly, maybe a beer or a glass of wine before bed will help too--not ideal, but better than your current choice. Also, your current method has other detrimental effects for a bodybuilder that I can get more info on if you're interested.


            • #7
              Originally posted by dontTESTme
              found the article...

              Melatonin shrinks bird gonads. What does the popular supplement do in humans?

              Glad I,m not a quail cause based on that report I wouln't have any nuts left. I use it regularly, or at least several times a month. Men's Health magazine reports that it is a "worthless" substance that has no abilities to help induce sleep. I call bullshit on both reports as it works like a charm for me. 3 but never more than 6 mg has always been effective. No strange dreams, at least none stranger than my normal strange ones.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jordan
                Just wondering if anyone here uses melatonin or any other sleep aids. Ive always been a terrible sleeper; it usually takes me at least an hour and a half to get to sleep. Recently ive had great results using a certain substance that were not supposed to talk about on this board, but im worried about damaging my lungs. If anyone knows much about melatonin or has used it, please let me know. thanks,


                im using GABA from ultimate just fine for me..
                my dreams are far mor intense too..usally take 4 caps half an hour befoere bedtime..goodnicht!!

