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  • Rhinoplasty

    Anyone out there had experience with this surgery? I have a slight deviation in my septum but my doctor didn't think it was enough to warrant surgery. I have alot of problems breathing through my nose, especially at night and I'm trying to make a case for it so my insurance will cover some of the cost. I was also wanting to aesthetically refine the shape a little so I'm wondering if it'll be feasible to convince a doctor to do both structural and cosmetic work. THanks all.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Knoxy
    I was also wanting to aesthetically refine the shape a little so I'm wondering if it'll be feasible to convince a doctor to do both structural and cosmetic work. THanks all.
    My cousin (female) had some stuff done and from what she said, they are pretty cool about fixing and also "refining" while they do it. Other than that I have no idea.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Knoxy
      Anyone out there had experience with this surgery? I have a slight deviation in my septum but my doctor didn't think it was enough to warrant surgery. I have alot of problems breathing through my nose, especially at night and I'm trying to make a case for it so my insurance will cover some of the cost. I was also wanting to aesthetically refine the shape a little so I'm wondering if it'll be feasible to convince a doctor to do both structural and cosmetic work. THanks all.

      Do some research and check out the doctors well before proceding.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Knoxy
        Anyone out there had experience with this surgery? I have a slight deviation in my septum but my doctor didn't think it was enough to warrant surgery. I have alot of problems breathing through my nose, especially at night and I'm trying to make a case for it so my insurance will cover some of the cost. I was also wanting to aesthetically refine the shape a little so I'm wondering if it'll be feasible to convince a doctor to do both structural and cosmetic work. THanks all.
        Hey Bro, I had a Rhinoplasty in 2004, (plus a bunch of other stuff), and my nose "enhanced" cosmetically. I also had a deviated septum from several breakages in my life. I had terrible sinus problems which the deviation only aggravated. Normally, you have a deviation repair done by an ENT, (ear, nose, throat), doc, who rarely performs cosmetic work. Most probably, you, like I had to do, was to go to a plastic surgeon who can do both. Chances are, if you have the doc give you a report stating that you need the deviation repair, your insurance co will cover that individual part, and, (if the doc will break out the charges for you), you will have to cover the cosmetic part. Insurance cos know what reasonable and customary charges are, and if the doc charges three times the cost of a deviation repair, the ins co will smell a rat and will only pay what's reasonable and customary, so you'll have to pay the difference anyway. Either way, check with your ins co BEFORE you proceed so you'll have no surprises. A word of caution to you. Most deviation repairs used to require packing in your nostrils for at least two weeks after the surgery. Trust me, YOU DO NOT WANT TO GO THROUGH THAT!! I had to and it SUCKED. Newer procedures allow an external packing/brace until your nose heals a bit. Find a doc who uses, and knows, this new technique. Good luck bro. BB

