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  • HDL

    I am the leanest I have been it quite some time (under 10% bodyfat). My HDL cholesterol has dropped to 37. Could a drop in bodyfat be the cause? My LDL is 85, so my ratio is fine. I am curious about the 14 point drop in my HDL

  • #2
    I should mention I take niacin which should help my HDL


    • #3
      Originally posted by rado
      Even though you've dropped BF, your diet must be diff as to why it's changed...HDL is also a type of lipid (fat)
      My diet has been on point for the last three months, up until drinking at the end of last week. My blood work was taken before that.

      My fat intake has been low, about 35 grams per day.


      • #4
        My LDL has also dropped 12 points. I just checked my last blood work


        • #5
          Alcohol would increase your hdl rather than lower it... Good fats will increase your hdl as well. I wouldn't sweat it honestly since your ratio and total cholesterol are good.


          • #6
            to many fat girls? :D


            • #7
              I'm not stressed over it as much as curious. My resting heart rate first thing in the morning is 58. I am more flexible than I have been since probably forever. Cardio five days per week, weights five days per week. 8 hours of sleep per night. Diet is clean. But my hdl dropped. Just curious as to why.


              • #8
                Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
                to many fat girls? :D
                Doing two fat chicks at the same time cancel each other out. So not too mnay over here

