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Test levels

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  • Test levels

    So blood work came back..Dr. said Im well within normall limits and she wont prescribe anything for raising my test levels.

    test 473 (normal range 250-1100)
    free test 123.4 (normal range 110-575)
    alburnin(sp) 4.8 (normal 3.6 - 4.67)

    I was like why cant I raise um up to top 2/3 insted of bottom 1/3 mid range answer was its not needed or recommended/ If ya need help I can prescribe viagria or a similar type pill.:pissed:

    My shit works fine, I dont need that help. but she wasnt haveing no part of it. so plan A aint working...:noo:

  • #2
    yea your not low but your not high either. for your age its not a bad number.

    guess now it depends on what you wanna do. with all your injuries and issues that have come up lately, in a perfect world you would be on low dose test, low dose deca (for joints) and low dose gh (joint and ligament repair.)


    • #3
      Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
      yea your not low but your not high either. for your age its not a bad number.

      guess now it depends on what you wanna do. with all your injuries and issues that have come up lately, in a perfect world you would be on low dose test, low dose deca (for joints) and low dose gh (joint and ligament repair.)
      So how bad would a low cycle of test for 16 weeks hurt my test levels? would I be able to bounce back and recover now that I know where Im at? or still to old/ low for the risk of it shutting me down? just thinking???

      To be honest with all the issues I have had last few months Im almost afraid of trying to get some test and getting stronger as I may just cause more injury doing something stupid. I m just gonna try and get back into my normal routien heal everythihng up see how things go for a few months... and then take it from there.It may be an option in a few months if all is going well? thoughts?

      I can finally get around a bit on the foot now, those meds got most of that gout knocked out.

      Funny..Dr said I may need to knock my protein intake down some. She really feels its contribuiting to the gout flare ups lately. Im like WTF? cant do shit..LOL

      Blood pressure was 119/78 all other numbers are all middle of the road, she said looking at my blood work numbers was boring as everything is so normal... so I guess thats a good thing though.:agreed:


      • #4
        i cant answer that bro, you may bounce back and you may not. im not sure test alone would do much to help you repair your injuries though. thats why i mentioned deca and gh.

        what is your protein levels at?


        • #5
          Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
          i cant answer that bro, you may bounce back and you may not. im not sure test alone would do much to help you repair your injuries though. thats why i mentioned deca and gh.

          what is your protein levels at?
          I didnt write those down I dont remember she was just reading the stuff off to me..

          not worried about repairing injuries with the test ect... just wanting to gain a bit of size bro.Im gonna keep working that left tricep a few more months see if I can get it stronger. then see ...Been out of the gym a week now due to the gout a break may have done me some good. Hit the gym again monday!!:weights:


          • #6
            i mean how much protein are you eating per day? 200 grams 300?


            • #7
              Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
              i mean how much protein are you eating per day? 200 grams 300?
              OH... Im trying to keep the intake at about 225 to 250 a day as my goal Im pretty close most days. I would like to have it a bit higher then that, but I know with the issues I have had for years with the gout it's my enemy..:agreed: Im pushing the envelope where Im at now, I think thats the reason for the flare ups over the last couple months.


              • #8
                no, not needed. 250 is too much for your weight and now with the issues you are having. how much do you weigh?


                • #9
                  205 right now


                  • #10
                    no more then 225 needed then. you have injuries and now having gout issues.

                    your natty with injuries. 300 grams of protein isnt doing anything for you bro.

                    heal up and give your body a break.


                    • #11
                      Ill be back at it monday a week off was enough....:thumup:


                      • #12
                        If you got on some test, would it be something you would be up front with your wife about? The reason I ask that is because if she would be cool with it and it wouldnt be something that would cause problems then just get some. Do 250mg a week, it would probably take to to the top of that range so it wouldn't be anything crazy. You'll look and feel better and be stronger. And doing 250mg a week wouldn't cost you much so expense wouldn't be an issue.


                        • #13
                          Frank, hell we had our 27th anniversary just yesterday.I can do about what I want when I want as long as the life insurance is up to date..:rofl:


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by lipripper View Post
                            Frank, hell we had our 27th anniversary just yesterday.I can do about what I want when I want as long as the life insurance is up to date..:rofl:
                            Then go ahead and go for it! And I hope you took the script for the viagra!!! You were in the army so when you packed your pack didn't you follow the old saying " It's better to have and not need then to need and not have! " LOL

                            Plus I'm sure you could very easily trade those for some test... ;)

                            Happy Anniversary to you and your wife!!! That's a long time! Did you take her on a romantic boat ride though the swamp??? :)
                            Last edited by FrankTheTank55; 09-13-12, 12:46 PM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by FrankTheTank55 View Post
                              Happy Anniversary to you and your wife!!! That's a long time! Did you take her on a romantic boat ride though the swamp??? :)
                              Now .. I ask...why would I go and ruin a nice peacefull ride like that?:rofl:

