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Melatonin may influence prostate cancer stage

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  • Melatonin may influence prostate cancer stage

    A man’s risk of developing advanced stage prostate cancer may depend on how much melatonin he produces while he is asleep, suggest researchers.

    Sarah Markt (Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA) and colleagues say their study showed a significantly reduced risk for the more aggressive form of prostate cancer in men with higher rather than lower levels of the sleep hormone.

    “Because melatonin levels are potentially modifiable, further studies of melatonin and prostate cancer risk and progression are warranted,” stated Markt, who presented the findings at the ACCR-Prostate Cancer Foundation Conference on Advances in Prostate Cancer Research in San Diego, USA.

    Melatonin may influence prostate cancer stage

    Editorial Comment:

    Pay attention, guys... from further down in the article, especially the first paragraph:

    The results also showed that men who reported difficulty getting to sleep, staying asleep or who took medication to aid their sleep, had significantly lower levels of the marker in their urine than men who did not report sleep problems.

    “Sleep loss and other factors can influence the amount of melatonin secretion or block it altogether, and health problems associated with melatonin, disrupted sleep, and/or disruption of the circadian rhythm are broad, including a potential risk for cancer,” explained Markt.

    I would be interested to see further work on this and see how the research evolves.

  • #2
    What an absolutely horseshit eclectic pannic attack of a shitstorm study.
    Carry on


    • #3
      Well, Harvard School of Public Health is a credible source in my book. I mean, I've seen people post on here crazier stuff from much more questionable sources. MattG has been screaming Melatonin at my sleep problem posts for weeks now - stuff is pretty cheap, guess I will try it - it looks like it MAY have other long-term benefits as well, so why the fuck not?

      Thanks for the post, Scrum.


      • #4
        I was just playing monster, checking he couldn't see my post lol


        • #5
          Oh I got that Mr. I - this was carryover from another thread. Just putting a little gas on the fire - its entertaining :)


          • #6
            Originally posted by monster70k View Post
            Well, Harvard School of Public Health is a credible source in my book. I mean, I've seen people post on here crazier stuff from much more questionable sources. MattG has been screaming Melatonin at my sleep problem posts for weeks now - stuff is pretty cheap, guess I will try it - it looks like it MAY have other long-term benefits as well, so why the fuck not?

            Thanks for the post, Scrum.
            3MG right before bed has improved my sleep.


            • #7
              Well, I started taking 5mg ED at bedtime. Not that I had probs getting to sleep before, but that stuff definitely makes me drowsy. My prob is STAYING there once I arrive - and unfortunately this hasn't worked, either.

              I still go to sleep and wake up about 2 hrs later feeling like it is morning. I go back to sleep for about a. Hour at a time until it's time to wake up for the day. Frustrating, annoying, and only happens when I'm on cycle. In a cruel twist, if I sit in one place inactive for longer than a few minutes during the day, I will instantly fall asleep and suddenly startle awake as soon as I fall over, drop my phone, etc as I fall asleep.

              Fuck it - it is what it is I guess. Taking ZMA and g Melatonin ED until the bottles are empty.


              • #8
                I personally would ditch the melatonin and move on. Why take a hormone that isn't even doing anything for you?


                • #9
                  Why are you guys having trouble sleeping?

