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Obesity & Gut Bacteria Linked To Autism

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  • Obesity & Gut Bacteria Linked To Autism

    One of the less-known problems of obesity is that obese mothers are 50% more likely than those of normal weight to give birth to children who go on to develop autism. This correlation is perplexing, but some suspect it is connected to differences between the gut bacteria of the overweight and of those who are not. One researcher who thinks this way is Mauro Costa-Mattioli of Baylor College of Medicine, in Houston. He has just published evidence in Cell that, in mice at least, a clear relationship does exist between gut flora, obesity and social behaviour. What is particularly intriguing is that the culprit seems to be a single bacterial species.

    Dr Costa-Mattioli and his colleague Shelly Buffington set up a series of experiments, each of which involved feeding 100 female mice a normal diet or a high-fat diet for eight weeks, getting those mice pregnant and then examining both the behaviour and the gut flora of their offspring. To monitor behaviour, the researchers put the pups through tests that measured how long they spent interacting with strangers and with inanimate objects. To study the gut floras, they used a test called ribosomal-RNA sequencing to identify which species the animals’ faeces contained.

    Dr Costa-Mattioli and Dr Buffington found that the offspring of mothers on the high-fat diet (which made these mothers obese), tended to have problems socialising. On average they interacted with other mice for only 22 seconds during a ten-minute test. Offspring of normal-weight mothers, by contrast, interacted for an average of two minutes. Similarly, when pups were given a choice of interacting with another mouse or with an empty cup, 55% of the offspring of obese mothers preferred the cup. All the pups of normal-weight mothers preferred the company of their fellow rodents.

    As expected, the gut bacteria of the obese mothers and their offspring were quite different from, and less diverse than, those of other mice. The researchers’ question was whether restoring a normal set of bacteria to the pups of obese mothers might improve their behaviour. To do this, they took advantage of a tendency mice have to eat each others’ faeces. By housing the offspring of obese mothers with those of normal mothers, they thus reset to normal the gut floras of the pups. That done, they found the pups’ social interactions developed normally, too.

    The socialiser
    This is an extraordinary result. It suggests that a mouse’s gut bacteria are regulating its behaviour. And further investigation showed how. A close examination of which species are missing from the guts of obese mice and their offspring flagged up one in particular, Lactobacillus reuteri (pictured), which was nine times more abundant in the pups of normal mothers than in those of obese mothers. This, the researchers felt, was worth investigating because L. reuteri was shown, three years ago, to promote the release of oxytocin, a hormone that plays an important role in controlling mammalian social behaviour.

    The next experiment was therefore obvious. Dr Costa-Mattioli and Dr Buffington added L. reuteri to the drinking water of both sorts of mouse pup. As controls, they gave similar pups either pure water or water that had heat-killed L. reuteri in it.

    Among the offspring of obese mothers, those given the live bacteria developed normally while the control mice developed social problems. This suggested L. reuteri does indeed promote the release of oxytocin in the developing brain, which then helps mice to develop normal social behaviour. To reinforce their case, the investigators dissected the brains of the animals involved in the last experiment and counted up the number of oxytocin-producing cells therein. As they suspected, offspring of obese mothers that were in the control arms of the experiment had 29% fewer such cells than did offspring of normal mothers. Those given L. reuteri in their water, by contrast, had only 13% fewer. That, apparently, was enough to abolish detectable behavioural differences.

    Whether L. reuteri plays anything like a similar role in human beings is unknown. But this research suggests it would be well worth looking into. Lack of interest in social interaction, of the sort displayed by the mice Dr Costa-Mattioli and Dr Buffington have been studying, is certainly symptomatic of human autism. If examining the gut floras of autistic children and their mothers (whether or not those mothers are obese) even hinted at something homologous happening in human beings, then dosing infants who might be at risk with L. reuteri could be a sensible idea.

  • #2
    When making up your mind, going with your gut can be a safe bet. And according to a new study, leaving your gut in charge all the time might not be a bad idea—it may actually help dodge neurodevelopmental disorders.

    While microbial mind control might sound far-fetched, one common gut microbe can singlehandedly reverse autism-like social behaviors in mice, researchers report in the journal Cell. Though the study is not yet applicable to human health, it highlights the strength of connections that can build between the gut and the brain—known as the gut-brain axis.

    If the findings do hold up in more animal studies and human trials, it could mean that treatments as simple and unfussy as probiotic foods could relieve some symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder, the authors conclude.

    Researchers got started on the study by connecting the dots on human studies, starting with epidemiological data that found a higher risk of autism in kids born to mothers suffering from obesity. Maternal obesity is also linked to alterations to gut microbiomes in offspring, according to human and non-human primate studies. And last, some individuals with autism also suffer from gastrointestinal problems linked to imbalances in gut microbes.

    With all of that and other data on the mounting importance of the gut-brain axis, the researchers hypothesized that an out of whack gut microbiome may play a role in the development of disorders such as autism.

    To test the idea, researchers subjected female mice to an established procedure for inducing obesity, which involves feeding the rodents an extremely high fat diet (60 percent kilocalories from fat). Then they let the obese females mate and produce litters. Of those offspring, which were raised on a normal diet and had normal weights, many displayed autism-like behavior, including an aversion to interacting with their cage mates, anxiety, and repetitive behaviors (assessed in mice if they repeatedly bury marbles).

    Researchers examined the mice's microbiomes and found that they had less microbial diversity than control mice born to normal weight moms. In particular, they had a drastic reduction in their amount of Lactobacillus reuteri, a bacteria known to boost oxytocin levels in mice. Oxytocin is a hormone involved in many things, including social behavior, anxiety, and autism.

    Unsurprisingly, the mice with autism-like behavior had fewer neurons that were making oxytocin. And during social interactions, they also showed weaker signals in the brain circuitry involved with rewards.

    When the mice from obese mothers were co-housed with mice from normal mothers, they became more social. This may be because they were better socialized, but the researchers suspected it might be from a change in their microbiomes. Mice eat each other's poop, and therefore share gut microbes.

    When the researchers gave the mice suffering with autism-like behaviors drinking water laced with L. reuteri, their social problems (but not their anxiety) vanished and their oxytocin levels and reward circuitry signals recovered.

    The study needs to be repeated, and much more research would need to be done in humans before a similar treatment might arrive in clinics. Also, researchers still don’t know exactly how L. reuteri might be altering oxytocin levels. Still, the study provides a proof of concept that probiotics can treat certain social disorders.

    Probiotics on the brain: One gut microbe reverses autism-like symptoms in mice | Ars Technica

