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Bad bulk... Guess BF%

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  • Bad bulk... Guess BF%

    Hi, have not posted here for a long time.
    So I thought I'd post some of my recent "progress" pics and ask for advice.
    I have been bulking since the end of may and gone from 180 to 210 pounds as of today. I took some photos to see the progress and I was really upset to see how much fat I have gained. Well, I was not planning to do a clean bulk so I was expecting to gain fat as well as muscle but that's was a little too much. I am just under 6 foot.

    I know it's hard to guess bf% from photos but any guess, advice or comment would be appreciated.

    The first 2 photos of me at 180 pounds at the end of my cutting.
    The last 2 were taken today. 210 pounds
    Attached Files

  • #2
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    • #3
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      • #4
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        • #5
          for what its worth dude, looked great at 180! As men, we all want to bulk up and get huge, but your physique at 180 looked great compared to more recent.

          just my 2 pennies.....


          • #6
            looks like you put on alot of fat. not really the point of bulking bro. next time you bulk dont put on so much slop. eat clean but eat more of it.


            • #7
              Thanks. Yeah, I think so too but that's how i bulk... fat and I have increased in strength quite a bit and was planning to bulk till feb/march 2005 like I have done last year. I am just so confused right now, was it worth it doing such bulk, should I cut now or carry on bulking? I mean, i can live with it, being fat and all that during winter as long as i am gaining muscle at the same time and get cut up for the summer again.


              • #8
                Originally posted by alexmet
                Thanks. Yeah, I think so too but that's how i bulk... fat and I have increased in strength quite a bit and was planning to bulk till feb/march 2005 like I have done last year. I am just so confused right now, was it worth it doing such bulk, should I cut now or carry on bulking? I mean, i can live with it, being fat and all that during winter as long as i am gaining muscle at the same time and get cut up for the summer again.
                What you should do is get back down to where you were and slowly increase calories. That way you wont put on so much fat. I would like to see what your bulking diet consist of. I can almost guarentee that you have been eating garbage because it looks like all you have gained is fat. Please post what your bulking diet has been and I will help you set it up.


                • #9
                  By the way, I would guess your bf% to be around 20-25% right now. In the first pics you were around 10-11%.


                  • #10
                    Ok, I admit I was eating anything I wanted for the first month or so but was trying to keep my protein intake at least 200-250 gramms a day. For the last 5 weeks I was trying to eat like that:

                    Meal 1: 250 g of Cottage cheese with Oat meal or Muesli + 1 table spoon of flax seed oil.
                    Meal 2: Pasta/Rice with 180 g of Tuna/150-200 g beef/chicken with a table spoon of olive oil
                    Meal 3,4,5 about the same as meal 2.
                    Meal 6: 250 g of cottage cheese.

                    I did cheat may be 1-3 times a week with may be chocolate or pizza or some other sweets.

                    That's my diet when I was cutting:
                    8:30 am 60g oat meal and 6 egg whites 2 yolks and 1 tablespoon of flax oil 32.9/38.2/29 443c
                    10:30 am meal replacement 40/15/2 247c
                    12:30 am can of tuna 40,4/0.1/0.8 170c
                    2:30 pm 120g of Chicken and 1 tablespoon of flax oil 28.8/0.1/15.3 253c
                    2:30 pm 100g of veggie and 1/2 cup of brown rice 5.4/34.7/2.2 184c
                    4:30 pm can of tuna 40,4/0.1/0.8 170c
                    5:30 pm whey protein shake and 60g oat meal 29.9/37.1/7.1 333c
                    6:15 pm Gym
                    7:30 pm whey protein shake and dextrose 23/1.9/2.1 120c
                    9:30 pm 120g of Chicken and 50g of veggie 28.8/14.8/1.7 190.7c
                    11:30 pm meal replacement 40/15/2 247c

                    protein 309.6
                    Carbs 157
                    Fat 63
                    Cal 2357.7


                    • #11
                      20-25%? Damn, I was hoping more like 18-20. Well....:(


                      • #12
                        Another photo of me fat but with the same light as in the first photo of me cut.
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Honestly to me it looks like you may be the same size. It's kind of hard to tell because when you ripped you look bigger, that's just anyone. All it looks like is you put on fat. But don't worry. I have been working hard and thought I was doing it right. Just take the help and keep working. Your still above average shcmo for what that's worth.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by alexmet
                            Ok, I admit I was eating anything I wanted for the first month or so but was trying to keep my protein intake at least 200-250 gramms a day. For the last 5 weeks I was trying to eat like that:

                            Meal 1: 250 g of Cottage cheese with Oat meal or Muesli + 1 table spoon of flax seed oil.
                            Meal 2: Pasta/Rice with 180 g of Tuna/150-200 g beef/chicken with a table spoon of olive oil
                            Meal 3,4,5 about the same as meal 2.
                            Meal 6: 250 g of cottage cheese.

                            I did cheat may be 1-3 times a week with may be chocolate or pizza or some other sweets.

                            That's my diet when I was cutting:
                            8:30 am 60g oat meal and 6 egg whites 2 yolks and 1 tablespoon of flax oil 32.9/38.2/29 443c
                            10:30 am meal replacement 40/15/2 247c
                            12:30 am can of tuna 40,4/0.1/0.8 170c
                            2:30 pm 120g of Chicken and 1 tablespoon of flax oil 28.8/0.1/15.3 253c
                            2:30 pm 100g of veggie and 1/2 cup of brown rice 5.4/34.7/2.2 184c
                            4:30 pm can of tuna 40,4/0.1/0.8 170c
                            5:30 pm whey protein shake and 60g oat meal 29.9/37.1/7.1 333c
                            6:15 pm Gym
                            7:30 pm whey protein shake and dextrose 23/1.9/2.1 120c
                            9:30 pm 120g of Chicken and 50g of veggie 28.8/14.8/1.7 190.7c
                            11:30 pm meal replacement 40/15/2 247c

                            protein 309.6
                            Carbs 157
                            Fat 63
                            Cal 2357.7
                            you were eating VERY little for a guy at 180 while you were cutting. 120g's of chicken = about 4oz = about 34g's protein (i'm assuming cooked weight).

                            even bulking, you were only eating about 7oz of chicken (at the high end) per meal? that seems really low.... and you're only going for 200-250grams of protein per day.

                            i'm on a contest diet and i'm eating either 5oz chicken or 4oz lean beef for each meal.... and i'm a girl.

                            in your bulking cycle - you must have consumed a lot of carbs? beer?

                            ditch the pasta for brown rice. 1 cup of brown rice = about 44g's carbs (cooked measure).

                            shoot 2g's protein per lb. that would put you at least at 360 grams at 180lbs.


                            • #15
                              Thanks for a great reply.
                              First of all, I don't drink. Only water.
                              I do eat a lot of carbs day to day(mainly pasta, rice, oatmeal and cereal) and I thought i was eating enough protein, but I guess I wasn't. But 360 g of protein, where do I get that much? Should I double the amount of tuna/chicken/ or any other meat I eat per meal? I guess having protein shakes in between the meal is essential.
                              So in how much protein/carbs/fat/calories I should take in when I bulk and cut?
                              So u all think I should cut again?

