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  • knoxville

    Stats: 5-11, 225#, 25 y/o, been lifting about 4 years. Started out weighing 155# with no lifting experience. I've done a few cycles, haven't done anything since I hurt my shoulder (3 months ago). It is feeling better now and getting stronger, so I can work my chest alot more. I started out doing powerlifting and continued that until I herniated a disk in my lower back. Now my goals are to just take the thickness I developed and to bring around the muscles that are lacking to have a more body building style shape. I'll post a pic in a couple more months to show my progress.


  • #2
    You are huge and could do very well cutting and bodybuilding on that frame.

    Knoxville? You in Knoxville? where's the UT hat????? :)


    • #3
      solid bro!!!!!


      • #4
        No, I'm not in Knoxville, I live in SW MO. Just the first thing that came to my mind when trying to come up with a new screen name. Thanks for the remarks. I have never really gotten into the body building, but I have noticed a few changes in the past couple of weeks, so I'm really curious to see what a couple of months of hard lifting will do. I'm still going to do the deadlifts, squats and heavy bench, just add alot more lifting on each individual muscle group.


        • #5
          May want to work a little more on the delts, but understandable since they're still recovering. Looking good dude.


          • #6
            I plan on it, my right shoulder was the bum one. I don't really know for sure what I did, I went and had an MRI done, and went to an ortho doc and he said that from all he could see is that it was an odd type of muscle strain/pull. I screwed it up NOT lifting weights. I had a bullmastiff and a boxer get into a fight. I had my right arm fully extended out to my side trying to hold my mastiff back and my boxer was held with my left arm. My mastiff lunged and well, when a 130 pound dog gives it all he's got, something gave a little. I felt it instantly, a numbing sensationg. I sold the mastiff after that, he kept beating up my boxer and he hurt me. Done deal


            • #7
              SW Missouri...ha!! My almamater. SWMSU


              • #8
                omg, what a massive peice of man....mmmmmmmmm :woot:

