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My diet sucks help

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  • My diet sucks help

    I'm on a cutting cycle now and I wicked suck at eating the right thing and need some serious help
    give an example today I had for brkfst egg sandwich w/cheese the whole egg with toast
    tuna fish on white bread with watermelon
    dinner probably will just consist of pork ribs grilled

    help I suck at this

  • #2
    How seriously are you about cutting? there are some good posts about some cutting diets. Personally, carbs is a killer for me. I do tons of cardio, however any extra carbs in me and it is no bueno. i can eat all the fat i want, just need to limit my carbs to what i burn during cardio.


    • #3
      Ok it's not as hard as it sounds. First you need to figure out how many calories you need to take in on a daily basis. Usually you will count cals while maintaining then subtract 500 cals from there until you get to the point you are loosing at the rate you want. Since you are already into your diet a rough estimate will be 12 cals per pond of body weight (multiply your weight by 12). You will have to start reading labels and see how many grams of protien, fat and carbs the food you are eating contains. If you don't have a label like on meats get a book that list cals. you should be able to find this in any book store.
      Now once you figure out your daily caloric intake you will have to figure out how many grams of protien, carb and fat you need each day. Depending on the diet 40% carbs 30% protien 20% fat or what ever ratios you decide on for your diet. Protien and carbs are roughly 4 cals per gram while fat is 9 cals per gram.
      Now with the help of your labels and book you can plan your meals ahead of time to get the daily intake you need.
      If you are thinking about a CKD diet here is a link to a counter for CKD

      I hope this helps rather than confuses.


      • #4
        Thanks everyone and yes i was confused but now I'm still confused lol thanks again


        • #5
          you should be eating 6-8 meals a day. are you only eating 3 meals a day? i'm sorry, not trying to flame, but why are you on gear if you don't even have your diet down? "diet" not as in dieting - but rather "nutrition" in general. there is so much you can do to change your body composition JUST by working with your diet.

          a few quick things you should do:

          1. document daily what you are eating so that you have an idea of what you are eating on a daily basis - how many calories, how many grams of protein, carbs, fat. has a very good daily diet journal. take the time to keep track for about a week so you have an idea of HOW you are eating now.

          2. calculate your BMR and figure out how many cals you should be eating to maintain your current body weight. read this thread Read Me and it will give you an idea of how to calculate, and how to drop the fat.

          3. you need to eat more of the RIGHT things... for example, for protein: chicken, lean beef, turkey, tuna; complex carbs: sweet potato, brown rice, leafy veggies, whole grain oats; fats: fish oil, flax seed oil, olive oil. stay away from processed carbs and refined sugars.

          4. do not be in a huge hurry to change your diet overnight. start by eating 4 meals a day if you're only eating 3. then work your way to 5. fit it into your day slowly, and start by eating the RIGHT foods at every meal. make sure you're getting enough protein. if you go balls to the walls on day one, you're more likely to give up.

          think of it as a change in lifestyle and not a "DIET"... slow and steady wins this race.

