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Does marijuana affect muscles, endurance, stamina, power at all?

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  • Does marijuana affect muscles, endurance, stamina, power at all?

    I don't usually smoke and i haven't in probably over 2 months, and I honestly don't think I plan to anymore but I still would like an answer to this question.....

    Back in high school I used to smoke regularly, not often but maybe 2 times a week on average, and generally when i went back to the weightroom i felt weaker and I was much more tired

    now is that just coincidence or inside of my head....or is the weed the reason behind it

  • #2
    Marijaune raises estrogen levels, other than that I don't know what kind of effects it has, however I still smoke it on a fairly regular basis, but I haven't noticed any difference when working out - I've still been able to make gains in muscle mass.


    • #3
      yeah depending on how much you smoke you'll be tired. i used to like to take a hit of some dro and workout. it gave me energy and i was in my own litle world just putting up weights. it never affected any gains and i actually was able to eat more ;)


      • #4
        you gotta smoke so much for your estro levels to really go up at all. Seen this before on a couple of different forums and prettty much the same response.

        Anything that make you more hungry is good IMO..... feed the beast! :)


        • #5
          My friends, not me, use to smoke out all the time before working out and I would work out with them, for a while anyway! They were laughing all the time, staring at girls or they would get to an exercise and would be like "Fuck this...this is too much!" Not to mention all the trips to the water fountain!I had to stop working out with them because they were waisting my time and they were making any gains at all!


          • #6
            There is nothing I love more than to get an awesome awesome workout in...take a hot shower and let the endorphins course through my viens.. then roll up a fat joint and smoke it. It's pure euphoria.

            Oh.. and I have never had problems making gains.


            • #7
              Well it definitely won't help. Some guys can get a away with taking all sorts of recreational drugs. I think it's more mental than physical. If you are equipped with the right mind set it probly won't have much of an effect. Most guys don't have it though. I never understood the point of pot anyway. If you think you feel good after a joint try 70 d-bol and a gram of test each week.


              • #8
                Originally posted by bigandreasg
                I never understood the point of pot anyway.
                It's called euphoria! :D


                • #9
                  I think it's hilarious that a guy who won't drink milk will fucking smoke pot. I hope you grow your own man, otherwise God only knows what the hell you're getting.



                  • #10
                    it depends how you react to the marijuana. some people, not many, can just smoke once in a while. most will smoke more and more, and become very lazy and you most likely will get a case of the F* its and quit bodybuilding. if your like me, ull get bored with marijuana and move on to heavier drugs like coke/crack. but i will have 1 year clean august 29 :) stay away from all drugs bro, they only do damage, to the wallet as well.


                    • #11
                      I thought no rec drug talk on this board


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by majoradams
                        I thought no rec drug talk on this board
                        yep. that crap has no place here.


                        • #13
                          I can understand you not wanting this stuff to be posted. But I thought it was a pretty valid question, considering that pot is the drug of choice for many people, from all walks of life, these days. And when it comes right down to it, on the whole, I think it is far less detrimental to society than is alcohol. Yes for some, (like Slashmonay) it is a "gateway" drug, but for the majority, it's all they do. Anyhow I've said my bit and will not be posting on this subject anymore. :cool:


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Slashmonay
                            stay away from all drugs bro, they only do damage, to the wallet as well.

                            i fucking hate drugs. Your right buddy they do damage. Ive seen my closets buds go from the popular guys in town to being some bums with no jobs and worthless. At times I blame myself for not makng them understand but everyone makes thier choices. Like a close friend of mine is always on c....., im like come on bro, hes having a kid on the way, cheats on his girl cause of that shit, and bodybuilds. That aint right. I understand if people smoke shit alone, because they wanna go to sleep or get relaxed but to show off to people that your cool, that aint cool. Just wish that shit never existed.

