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white vs wheat

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  • white vs wheat

    if i am bulking, does it matter a lot if i am eating white carbs or not? as of now i am still eating my whole wheat breads and pastas, but will i gain more from eating white carbs even tho its the same amount of carbs?

  • #2
    It used to be that I always ate only brown rice and oats. I just made the switch recently to white rice instead. The difference in G.I. is only about 5 or 6. I have noticed absolutely no difference in any aspect from it. I would still only eat the "browns" during a dieting phase. But white is fine for offseason, for me at least. Since carbs are lowered they need to be a higher quality to suport your body's needs. This is just based on my personal experience, it may be different for evrybody. I think it's more important not to over eat when bulking. Unless you can handle 6000 cals like B.


    • #3
      bigandreasg is correct. everybody is different. for me, i like to stick with wheat even in offseason.


      • #4
        Quality always bro. I don't see a reason for white. My $.02

