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picky eater hard time eating right

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  • picky eater hard time eating right

    i have a problem ? im one picky eater but willing to force some food down but i need alternitives
    im taking a 350mg of test and 200 mg of eq im on my 3rd week out 12 and im 250 lbs now and 6"1' this is my 4rth cycle but this time i dont want the gut with the muscle.

    is there a book of alternative foods or im i just going to have to just suck it up and eat the shit i dont like and quit being a pussy and hopefully keep ithe shit down.

    no problem with meats but not a fish eater
    cant eat beans (makes me gag)
    oatmeal i can force down if i have too

    not a fan of cottege cheese, sweat potatos, yams, and veggies exept corn

    but i do love my shakes , eggs, peanutbutter, peanuts, brown rice and most meats

    my bio
    36" waist
    400 pound bench press(raw)
    not looking to be another dexter jackson but i would like to see some what of a 6 pack

  • #2
    You're really not doing yourself any favors. Alot of the things you hate are very good for you. You will need to supplement some things if you are not going to eat them like increasing your good fats/fatty acids.

    Corn is one of the worst vegies to eat, so that's out. You really need to find another vegie. Try some stuff you never had before like Brussel sprouts, Asparagus etc.

    How about just not being a picky eater? LOL


    • #3
      You said that you are a picky eater right? Well, you could try mind over matter. That is don't think of eating as a pleasure thing, think of it as means to a way. That is eating is there to fuel your workouts and provide nutrients for packing on the muscle. use eating as part of your workout. You can't expect to make decent gains if your diet is inadequate and lacking the right foods. When I am dieting for a comp, I don't think of it as a pleasure or social thing. Eating is part of my progress to continual growth. Take day by day at first and force yourself to eat the right foods. After a while it will become a habit, like your training and your taste buds may adjust to your eating ways. Eat clean for 6 days out of 7 and then have a cheat day. Here you can eat what ever you want to. This will give you something to look forward to and keep you on track with your clean diet. If you want to make consistant gains diet has to be taken into consideration, so you are on the right track here. You know what you must do, now go ahead and do it. After all having discipline and determination is also part of the package with being sucessful in this sport. It is a very disciplined lifestyle, but worth it.


      • #4
        thanks for the reply
        i guess i need to quit being a pussy and hold my noise and eat that shit like a little girl,


        • #5
          You are welcome!!!! Stay disciplined and focused.


          • #6
            Originally posted by bigfilla
            i guess i need to quit being a pussy and hold my noise and eat that shit like a little girl,



            • #7
              i have two suggestions...

              #1 is you can probably get over your dislike for food....I always hated brussel sprouts, and learned to like them....when i first tried drinking my protein and creatine shakes with water i just about puked...i had mixed it with milk for the longest time, and I just switched over to only using water, and i have developed a decent liking for it, not great, but it's not making me sick...and the good thing is i'm not getting the extra fat and stuff with the end the sacrifices will be worth it if your strong minded and have the dedication to reach your goal

              #2 learn how to cook a little bit, season your foods....I hate oatmeal by itself, but i put a spoonful of splenda in there and then i sprinkle some cinnamon on top of that and it makes a huge difference in taste....its probably better for you to eat it straight up w/ no seasoning, but a tspn of splenda and soem cinnamon isn't gonna turn you into a fat ass

              and even with greens like brussel sprouts, aspauragus, spinach i pour a little bit of balsamic vinagerette on there to increase the helps a ton


              • #8
                and im actually eating salmon right now....i fry it in a pan, when i flip it over i sprinkle lemon pepper on the top

                then once it's finished cooking i sprinkle a little bit of lemon juice on top of that to help that flavor.....don't go overboard and drinch it w/ the juice...but just enough for seasoning want do you any harm


                • #9
                  thats the info i was looking for how spice up some foods
                  my wife fixed some salmon paties and it was good as shit but it has a little bet of crackers for the breading but its a start

                  now i got some oatmeal and i will try what you said, puting on some splenda and cinnamon on it .
                  do you know of a cook book that can help me make someof this shit i got to eat taste better that would be great .

                  thanks again for the info


                  • #10
                    I really like some of the recipes in the South Beach Diet cookbook-healthy and phase one and two use good quality carbs and good amounts of protein with only healthy fats. I also have a Byerly's healthy eating cookbook I use but that would probably be hard to find.


                    • #11
                      thanks bbaddict im going to pick that book and hand it over to my wife and mayble it will make the difference im looking for.

                      thanks again everyone


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Taylor
                        and im actually eating salmon right now....i fry it in a pan, when i flip it over i sprinkle lemon pepper on the top

                        then once it's finished cooking i sprinkle a little bit of lemon juice on top of that to help that flavor.....don't go overboard and drinch it w/ the juice...but just enough for seasoning want do you any harm
                        Fatty fried salmon, like thats gonna help his goals


                        • #13
                          you act like cause if you fry something it's going to kill you

                          it's much better then eating pb&j sandwiches on white bread day in and day out

                          i dont even know if i "fry" it, i cook it in a pan on a stove in olive oil

                          doesn't end up like fried chicken if that's what your assuming

