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    I have been eating an old recipe that Bouncer posted up a few years back I think. Tonight I made a modified version for dinner and I am just a bit curious what people thoughts are on it. I don't measure much when I cook, but do round about, measurements. Something I should probably change in the near future.

    1 lb, lean ground turkey
    1 lb, lean ground beef
    1/2 bottle, Lowrys carr. jerk marinade
    1 can, sweet kernel corn drained
    1/2 lb, pasta
    few teaspoons of olive oil for the pasta

    Now I didn't eat this all tonight... But will eat the remainder for a few meals over the next day or so. I am curious if I should limit meals such as this to a certain time of the day in order to benefit most.

    Typical/nontypical daily routine that I need to try and stick to if possible is as follows:
    7:00 AM - breakfast (rarely eat it other than a snack)
    9:00 AM - snack sometimes
    Noon - lunch (normally a restuarant or something unhealthy)
    3:00 PM - usually a tuna lunch pack deal
    6:00 PM - GYM
    8 or 9:00 PM - Dinner
    10:00 PM or so - sleep

    I am not blind enough to not see my diet is a mess, but this is an effort to make it right. I'll be reading up on the site once again, but would like to know about the meal posted up top in this post and any adjustments to it or time frame for it in regards to how my days turnout under normal hours.

  • #2
    It really depends on your goals. That is a high cal meal which is perfect for bulking. If you are cutting it isn't the best thing in the world to eat.


    • #3
      recipe looks good. i would add a can of pinto, kidney, or cannelli beans. maybe alternate sweet pea's and korn. mix in a couple tablspoons of parm cheese instead of marinade.

      I dont like from 7am-12noon i would add a morining shake, eggs, or oatmeal something other than a snack.


      • #4
        Yeah, the morning and "snack" crap needs to go and be replaced with something more respectable.

        Things in general have been a rollercoaster ride lately and living from a hotel for 6 months shouldn't be a viable excuse, but unfortunately it is mine. Now is the time to correct it though.

        To be honest, I need help on diet. It's something I have had stressed by friends in person, people online, and all of the above. However, it's just not something I had under control to a point that I could sit and say I was comfortable with what and how I was eating from a healthy/fitness lifestyle.

        A good while back I was given a reference from a Pro friend for a nutritionist, but I think I need to take care of the front half of it before I enlist the help of him.

        Some of the basics I know, but need to be refreshed. I think i could benefit from just having a general idea of some staple foods to eat to drop my bodyfat along with some respectable ways to cook it. I'll worry about gaining back lost muscle mass after I get rid of the gut. First things first this time I suppose.


        • #5
          bdubb, you could start with something like this thread.

          we helped him optimize his diet to a point that he felt comfortable with. can you follow that kind of diet at this point or no?


          • #6
            I would say that I can go along with something of like that.

            I can't say when I'll be traveling again, but I also can't just sit around and wait for it to start or stop. I feel like i have been doing that already. A lot of intentions, but with little motivation and actions at the end of the day.

            I'll start going off that post for a few weeks and just get used to having something more strict to follow than the typical American diet. Then look into it a little deeper and adjust it more towards me.

            Thanks for the link Bouncer.


            • #7
              i know what you mean by "start or stop." people do this with everything. "i will start back at the gym once work clears up." problem is, work never clears up. lol


              • #8
                I agree with Bouncer. Starting and stopping is common. However, you don't start and stop work as you like, do you? Just make this one of your top priorities. Going on a trip somewhere. Prepare.

