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12 week transformation challenge diet

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  • 12 week transformation challenge diet

    Stats: 6ft tall, 220lbs, 26%bf

    Been back in the gym about 6 months since being out for over a year dealing with a shoulder injury. Got a little too friendly with the couch and I have become quite the fatass. Saw a body challenge poster and decided to sign up to get me "dialed in" so to speak. I am also about to turn 30 so I am ready to get back in shape. So far so good... down about 10lbs in two weeks.

    I am certainly happy with the weight loss so far but I am curious as to what you knowledgable folks would do in the same situation. Basically, how would to structure your diet if you had 10 weeks to drop as much bf as possible.

    Current Diet is around 1800 cals protein based under 150g carbs a day. Going for at least 200g pro a day. Cardio is 80 minutes a day split between morning and evening sessions. Currently running about 4 miles per session at 10 minute mile pace. Hitting weights 5x a week one bodypart per day going as heavy as possible. A few p90x workouts sprinkled in for fun.

    Anything else I could be doing? tweak? considering clen and t3...I want to win this thing. Thanks for the help in advance.

  • #2
    shit load of cardio w/only 1800 cals - have you checked how much you are actually burning ? Can't suggest anything diet wise till I know that.

    clen/t3 - make an eca, if you're gonna run stimulants. Don't fuck w/t3 at this point.


    • #3
      IMO clen and T3 arent worth the negative sides. Cut out as much of the carbs as you can if you want to drop the weight quick. Have a look at the diet I recently posted in the nutrition section. Cut out the oatmeal in is and you would drop weight big time.


      • #4
        yeah quickest way for me is to cut carbs right down


        • #5
          Thanks for the feedback fellas... I have switched things up quite a bit and been following the Dave Palumbo diet. I am seeing some pretty amazing results.. I highly recommend that diet to anyone with a good bit of bf to lose... 209 this morning and most of my lifts are up. Weigh-in day is April 9th...

