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when is the best time.....

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  • when is the best time.....

    to take supplements. I am going to take m1t and swole for the next month or so and I was wonderin what people thought was the best time of day to take them. I have had good experiences with taking creatine right before I lift and again right after, but this is the first time I have used m1t, so Im kinda clueless on what is the best time. Any suggestions would be great. thanks


  • #2
    If you've never done any other PH's or roids, I wouldn't suggest making M1t your first. It's very potent and if you're body is not prepared for it, it can cause more harm than help. If you're dead set on doing it though, I wouldn't suggest going over 10mg's unless you weigh more than 250 or so. Take one when you get up in the morning and take another b4 you go to bed. Also be aware, creatine IMO doesn't help w/ strength. For the 4-5 cycles I've done, it's only added water weight that I soon pissed off after I got off of it. M1t will shut down your natural test production and is quite anabolic as well as androgenic. You should always stack M1t with 4ad because it will help w/ the sides of m1t such as a loss of libido and lethargy. Not to mention the added gains. Also if you do m1t you need sufficient PCT with nolvadex and 6-oxo not to mention liver supplements and blood pressure supps. You will also need some zma or tribulus to boost your natural test levels back up when you come off the m1t or you will lose all ur gains. I suggest a 2 weeks on/2 weeks off/ 2 weeks on/ 4 weeks off type of cycle. I'm two weeks into one right now. If you have anymore questions, feel free to hit me up


    • #3
      Damn Deese, your like a PH dictionary. Good info. Allthough i knew M!t had some side effects, i was unawear that I needed so many supps to counteract it. This is my first time using a PH, so maybe M1t isnt the best way to start it off. What else would you suggest.


      • #4
        Yeah M1t is pretty rough on the body, but I have to admit it gives excellent gains. For a first cycle, I would probably say you'd be fine doing a 1AD/4AD cycle for 4-6 weeks. I would get the ergopharm brand of 4ad b/c it comes in 300mg pills. Take 300mg 1ad/ 600mg4ad for the first couple weeks, then up your dosage to 600 of each. Make sure to take the 1AD with a meal though b/c it tends to tear your stomach up if you don't. You'll need at least 2-3 bottles of the 1AD and 1-2 bottles 4ad. The only PCT you'll need for this type of cycle is 6-oxo and maybe some tribulus just to help w/ the raise of natural test once ur off. Make sure you get 1.5x body weight in grams of protein per day and consume at least 3-4k calories and you should see excellent gains.


        • #5
          During trarining days take 5g of Swole before training with about 40g of simple cabrs. Take another 5g after training with 40g of simple carbs idealy grape jucie. Durining non training days take 5g of first thing in the morning on empty stomach with 40g of simple carbs then have ur normal brekafast. And then 5g again before you go to bed. Do a cycle on swole for 6 weeks you might want to buy another one.


          • #6
            The only problem i see with any of this is the 1 ad.It is very expensive when compared to other 1 test products. I personally would go with a trandermal 1 test/ 4ad product insted. IT is cheper and way more effective. Bdc's t-1,t-1 pro or dermabolic's s1+ is the way to go if you ask me.


            • #7
              Point well taken speed, thought didn't really cross my mind, but it def makes more sense

