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I received a letter in response from my state senator..

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  • I received a letter in response from my state senator..

    I wrote a letter about 6 months ago urging my senator not to restrict dietary supplements. Yesterday, I received a reply. What a load of bullshit.

    Dear xxx:

    Thank you for contacting me regarding federal regulation of dietary supplements. I agree that this is an important matter, and I appreciate your comments.

    When I began to consider this issue, I believed that the Food and Drug Administration already had ample authority to regulate dietary supplements. Upon further examination, however, I have become concerned that the current regulatory structure contains serious loopholes. The Senate Commerce Committee, of which I am a member, held hearings in October on the safety of certain dietary supplements, and the information presented there led me to believe that our current system is inadequate to protect public health.

    The 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act contains provisions that allow the FDA to remove supplements from the market if they are deemed to pose an immediate hazard or an unreasonable risk to public health. This is determined by the number and severity of "adverse event reports" (AERs). There is some evidence, however, that AERs, sometimes numbering in the thousands, have not been reported to the FDA. Faced with this lack of adequate reporting, I believe that more stringent standards may be necessary.

    I want to stress that no one in the Senate has any interest in removing supplements such as Vitamin C from the market. Our concern lies solely with substances that have been linked to serious injuries and deaths.

    I will continue to support efforts to ensure the safety of our food and drugs, and I thank you for your comments.

  • #2
    Well It's not total bullshit, there is alot of crap out there. Just about anyone can come out with a new supplement they say is the next greatest thing. From the letter it just sounds like they are just trying to regulate what is put out there. Most supplements aren't even looked at by the FDA until a health risk is brought to their attention.

    Here's a link on the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act


    • #3
      Hmmmm write him back and ask about cigarettes. When are they going to regulate them. They are harmful to people who dont even choose to use them. F'ing liars.


      • #4
        Good one, Speed.


        • #5
          Originally posted by speedracer59
          Hmmmm write him back and ask about cigarettes. When are they going to regulate them. They are harmful to people who dont even choose to use them. F'ing liars.
          :woot: For that you get the woot smilie!



          • #6
            Originally posted by speedracer59
            Hmmmm write him back and ask about cigarettes. When are they going to regulate them. They are harmful to people who dont even choose to use them. F'ing liars.
            Tyenol causes more hospital visits then ephedra. Cigarettes kill more people than both of them combined. It's utter bullshit, that is, how the US goverment targets one product while ignoring another.

            The simple fact of the matter these antics are completely related to money. Cigarettes generate millions of dollars in sales tax revenue for most states. Powerufl manufacturs lobby senators to overlook statistical data that overwhemingly state the obvious - the tobacco in cigarettes kill hundreds of thousands of people a year, are addictive, and over time cause the vast majority of people who use them frequently some sort of health ailment.

            In comparison, when used properly, in a person in good health, ephedra is a relatively safe substance. If people had just read the damn label before popping them, many of the 'reported' adverse effects could have avoided.

            The saying money makes the world go round is NO mistake.



            • #7
              I've never pushed all that hard on smoking, but the point is well made. Smoking has the ability to harm those in the area while supplements and many other things that have more restrictions have a harm risk to the direct users and not their family, and those in the immediate area.


              • #8
                Originally posted by fractious
                Tyenol causes more hospital visits then ephedra.
                Remember mor people use tylenol, than ephedra. That being siad, I still agree.



                • #9
                  speed, they do regulate cigarette usage... you gotta be 19 in alabama to buy them, that's a form of regulation.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by r_deese
                    speed, they do regulate cigarette usage... you gotta be 19 in alabama to buy them, that's a form of regulation.
                    True but how accessable are they? I was smoking cigarettes when I was 7. I could buy them in a store when I was 13. Ephedra is not accessable to anyone now.Well it is but wil get harder and harder to get .Not to mention smokeless tobacco. There is no doubt who they market too. Look at the flavors. Berrry, cherry, whats next bubble gum?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by speedracer59
                      True but how accessable are they? I was smoking cigarettes when I was 7. I could buy them in a store when I was 13. Ephedra is not accessable to anyone now.Well it is but wil get harder and harder to get .Not to mention smokeless tobacco. There is no doubt who they market too. Look at the flavors. Berrry, cherry, whats next bubble gum?
                      exactly !!!!!

                      even here in BC yah gotta be 19 to legally buy smokes but really how hard is it to get em if yah wan em just look around at all the kids smokeing in your neighborhood for that answer


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bdubb
                        while supplements and many other things that have more restrictions have a harm risk to the direct users and not their family, and those in the immediate area.
                        while i do agree with you
                        to play devils advocate

                        i think that in some instances there is harm to others around you
                        for example roid rage in one form or another even from "legal"suppliments

                        just my opinion food for thought


                        • #13
                          Well, that's a relief...I thought that they were going to take our vitamin C away


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by fractious
                            Tyenol causes more hospital visits then ephedra. Cigarettes kill more people than both of them combined. It's utter bullshit, that is, how the US goverment targets one product while ignoring another.

                            Yes, but how many more people use Tylenol each day than ephedra? It's like when they say that cars are more dangerous than airplanes because there are more car wrecks than airplane crashes, but if there were as many airplanes in the air as cars on the ground, it'd be a whole different story.

                            EDIT: Then after writing this I see that this has already been said. :cool:

