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Is there any Safe Cycle Prohormones?

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  • Is there any Safe Cycle Prohormones?

    Hey guys I have another post here just trying to learn and figure out what I will have set for this year training.

    Anyways, I was reading bulk nutrition instructions here at
    and I was wondering about the Transdermal ideas that they provide there.

    * Post-cycle therapy transdermal
    3 g Androstenetrione
    3 g 7-OXO-DHEA

    Transdermal administration renders both of these compounds significantly more effective. Androstenetrione (6-OXO) is the number one legal supplement for restoring natural testosterone production after a cycle, and the 7-OXO-DHEA (also known as 7-keto-DHEA) will have a variety of benefits, including fat loss and possibly cortisol reduction. Using the Dermabolics Transport Matrix, recommended dosage is 5 squirts 2x daily for the first week (this is 200 mg each of 6-OXO and 7-keto-DHEA daily), which is then tapered down over the duration of PCT.

    * Low side-effect prohormone/steroid stack
    6 g 19-norandrostenediol
    1.5 g 4-Hydroxytestosterone

    People commonly ask for the "prohormone stack with the least amount of side effects," and this is probably it. It actually costs less to just buy a bottle of NorDerm and then add in the 4-OHT powder. Recommended dosage would be 5 squirts 2x daily (providing 400 mg 19-nor and 100 mg 4-OHT).

    * Cutting/androgenic stack
    4 g 1-testosterone
    2 g 3-alpha

    This stack will be anabolic and androgenic with no estrogenic effects (in fact, it will be functionally anti-estrogenic). This would be a popular choice for pre-contest use. Since both of these substances are potent, I would start with 4 sprays 2x daily (which will be about 200 mg 1-test and 100 mg 3-alpha).
    I really want to try something like this but I am more seriouse about long run side effects. I want to make sure I get the most out of my genes but at the same time enchance those suckers. :D

    I guess what I am trying to figure out here is that. If I did try that right there would it be safer than anything else that ya pros in here can recommed? or is there more options that could be safer ? I really don't want to go yet into that heavy gear route just yet. Want to stay as natural as I can but push my limits a bit more.

    Well I hope I am making sense here.

  • #2
    Everyone responds differently to ph's. What is your major concern as far as side effects? Hair loss, acne, gyno, libido? For PCT, metacort, which is the 6-oxo, 7-oxo combo will work great. Read this article to get the jist of what each compound is about and then make a decision as to which ph would suit you best.


    • #3
      Damn this all great information. Taking alot of notes so will be a while before I respond with what I have learn and came up with...


      • #4
        I totally forgot about the PH faq right here at superiormuscle. Great info there as well.


        • #5
          DAMN! nice, more info. I have printed this out and going to study them and make a good evaluation of what exacly I want to start off with.. But still keeping in mind that first option that you show me. Might be my starting option before I move into anything with PH.

