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working out late at night/ question???

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  • working out late at night/ question???

    I am currently a college student full time, and I also work. I have a shit load of homework and have very mittle me time. Now the only real free time i have to go to the gym is late at night at about 10:00pm and sometimes 11:00pm. Thats after all my hw is done so it depends. Now i am not here to discuss my workout routine because i have already discussed it with a few trainers and it's fine. Well heres my question...... I take Nitro-tech whey protein 3 times a day. One in the morning, mid day and at night. The las shake i take is at night after my workout. Now remember its very late when i finish my workout, it's usually about midnight or past it. Is there anything wrong taking my post protein and creatine (cell-tech) shakes this late at night? Will it lead to any unwanted weight gain. I am not talking about muscle mass gain, i am talking about any fat gains. Because after my workout i go to straight to sleep.

  • #2
    Ohh i am 20 yrs old I recently lost about 90lbs i weigh 190 and i am 6ft 2". I am scared shitless to gain weight after i lost so much. and dont give me any bs about muscletech products i have been using them for a long time. I combined hydroxycut and nitro-tech allong with allot of cardio and a good (very-good diet) and lost allot of weight. I jus added cell-tech to the mix, the thing is i never took these so late before. I havent been working out for very long bout (1 month) but want to stop if it's wrong to take thse too late. I know cell-tech has allot of sugar but i am not sure about the protein. Money is not an issue so I use these regularly. If anyone wants to know how to loose weight fast give me a holla. FU*K all who are against muscletech.


    • #3
      Theres nothing wrong with that. Its is important to get a dosing of protein directly after ur workout because that when ur insulin is the highest, and sleeping is great. U need tons of rest and sleeping is the best time to put that protein to use and start repairing.

      It is also reported that creatine (cell-tech) doesnt take effect untill after some type of intebnse phsyical activity, such as working out.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Tall_Guy18
        If anyone wants to know how to loose weight fast give me a holla. FU*K all who are against muscletech.

        Pretty good way to egt help :rolleyes:

        Fuck Muscle Tech and their overpriced, garbage ass supplements. Good luck not gaining weight with all that dextrose in Cell Tech, its about 25g too much sugar, but hey Muscle Tech would never lead you in the wrong direction.


        • #5
          Originally posted by YellowJacket
          Pretty good way to egt help :rolleyes:

          Fuck Muscle Tech and their overpriced, garbage ass supplements. Good luck not gaining weight with all that dextrose in Cell Tech, its about 25g too much sugar, but hey Muscle Tech would never lead you in the wrong direction.

          good thing money isn't an issue or you wouldn't waste it!


          • #6
            So i should not take cel-tech at night? DAMMIT YELLOW! dont scare me with weight gain. Look the only reason i said the f-word, is because everyone in here is against muscletech. But it worked wonders for me. U guy's say find what works for u, and stick to it right. So wut chreatine drink should i take at night? Wut u guy's recommend?


            • #7
              Im glad it works for you, but Im sure theres a cheaper, more effective alternative that also works for you, ie. ISS Research's Satur8 for example. About 1/3 the price and just as or more effective without all that damn dextrose.


              • #8
                Ok YJ. So ive read a few threads and everybody seems to like satur8. Ill give it a try. But how would u reccomend i take it. It say's 2 drinks eight hours apart, should i fallow this or wut?? I think it's funny how u hate muscletech, u hate em with a passion!! LOL!!!!


                • #9
                  Yes, follow the instructions. Take 1 scoop about 30 minutes before you train and the other about 8 hours apart, if its 6 hours and not 8, no worries.

