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Nighttime mass gainer/maintainer

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  • Nighttime mass gainer/maintainer

    In the never-ending effort to put on mass, I get up during the middle of the night to eat one or two meals. Obviously, this needs to be very low GI carbs and good protein (probably not whey-absorbs too fast). Anybody have any recommendations on some good complex carb and slow-absorption protein shakes or MRP's for nighttime consumption?

    I have been using VPX Micellean Bioactive Superfood, but that stuff is expensive!

  • #2
    Nocturnal feeding isnt recommended as its more important to get unbroken asleep.


    • #3
      I've been doing the nocturnal feeding for the last two months and this is the first time in the last two years that I've really seen any significant weight gain (about 3lbs/month - I'm currently 6', 175lbs, about 6-7% bf). Any suggestions on how to make sure my body is being fed all night to make sure I don't lose anything during the night? Are their any nighttime shake formulas that really do a good job of a slow-release of carbs and protein?

      I have been getting about 9.5 hours of sleep to make up for the interruptions. I don't feel tired at all, but I guess it's hard to say if I'm getting the right kind of sleep.

