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Malate or Monohydrate?

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  • Malate or Monohydrate?

    i just ran out of creatine and went to the supp shop to pick up some more and the guy there was really trying to sell me creatine malate instead of monohydrate. im wondering if malate is really all its cracked up to be. the guy was swearing by it but he was also trying to make a sale and its twice as much as the stuff i normally get so i wasnt sure whether to believe him or not. my understanding was that malate is mostly good for non-responders. personally, im a big responder to the normal stuff so im not sure whether its worth the extra money. the guy was also saying that you should only take it twice per year and thats it. has anyone heard this before? so if anyone has had a good experience with malate over monohydrate, id appreciate hearing your opinion on whether its worth it. thanks,

  • #2
    Tricreatine malate is superior, this is true. However, I know a few vets here refuse to change because mono works well for them. Malate is good for an on-responder, like myself. Ive had great results with ISS Research's Satur8 and Dymatize's Xpand. It is worth the extra $$ in my opinion, and the boys at powernutrition have great prices on Satur8.


    • #3
      thanks for the info... im going to give it a try. have you heard anything about only doing 2 cycles per year? this sounded weird to me


      • #4
        Naw, thats a bs plan. I run it 6 weeks at a time, then take some time off (although not required) then do it again.


        • #5
          Try to take off as many weeks as you ran it.


          • #6
            I used Xpand by Dymatize and it really works


            • #7
              i bought a thing of v12 turbo off the net... its supposed to be a very good product- cant wait to try it out


              • #8
                The V12 orange flavor is a little overpowering. I have to dilute with twice as much water and it is still not very good.

                I have only been trying it for 1 week prior to Thanksgiving and forgot it at home when I went to Maine for turkey day so I can't say anything yet about results. I can't take the monohydrate because it upsets my stomach but the V12 seems to sit OK.


                • #9
                  Do you all bloat with the different creatine? I tried the swole v2 and was loving it until the bloat ferry came by to visit. I had hoped it would not make me bloat like monohydrate, but it did anyway.


