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  • Endothil-cr

    What is the deal with this? I have heard way too many mixed reviews on this supp to know what to think. My friend at the gym says he has put 30 lbs on his bench in 2 weeks with it, I personaly think he is full of it but I was wondering if anyone here has tried it.

  • #2
    Does anyone have any info about this product?


    • #3
      Well, take a look at this supplement for what it's worth... active ingredients like green tomato (contains alkaloids that induce apoptosis prevented by hepatitis C so that the liver can rid itself of infected cells), Grape seed (antioxidant that helps fight respiratory problems, allergies, inflammation, and some types of skin problems, as well as ear infections, just basicall supports immune system and circulatory functions, green tea (it's a diuretic just like coffee... just a quick fix before hitting the gym and may help lose some water weight), quercetin (a simple bioflavonoid which has anti-inflammatory properties. effective in protecting against LDL cholesterol damage... you'll get the same shit if you eat enough apples. apples contain this stuff), and rutin (Bioflavonoids help protect capillaries, prevent bruising, and intensify the effect of vitamin C in the body)... in conclusion, any anabolic properties to anything listed? maybe, but why waste the $$ to find out. stick with what is well known to work.


      • #4
        I bought 3 boxes of that shit, I must admit I did see gains but did it come from me taking the tabs, or me thinking I took the tabs (placebo) Hollah @me I got two boxes left I will let you have them cheap (endotil cr OTC)


        • #5
          I ran a box of it and followed the training instructions for it and didnt notice a damn thing. will never buy again.


          • #6
            Originally posted by kingj
            What is the deal with this? I have heard way too many mixed reviews on this supp to know what to think. My friend at the gym says he has put 30 lbs on his bench in 2 weeks with it, I personaly think he is full of it but I was wondering if anyone here has tried it.

            doubt the 30lbs on bench in 2 weeks is true. only thing ive seen do this is AAS.


            • #7
              Where ican buy Endothil cr I live in Newyork My friend took and had no gains what so ever....

