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U.S. Marshals seize, Methyl 1-D, Methyl 1-D XL, and Formadrol Extreme XL

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  • U.S. Marshals seize, Methyl 1-D, Methyl 1-D XL, and Formadrol Extreme XL

    U.S. Marshals, at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s request, seized nearly $1.3 million of illegal dietary supplements from a Michigan-based company.

    According to the FDA, the products made by LG Sciences in Brighton, Michigan, contain unapproved food additives or new dietary ingredients that cause the products to violate the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.

    The products "previously were tested and found to contain one or more unapproved food additives and/or new dietary ingredients for which there is inadequate information to provide reasonable assurance that the ingredients do not present a significant or unreasonable risk of illness or injury," the FDA said.

    People who have used the products are recommended consult their doctor, the FDA said.

    The products were marketed for body builders’ use and were sold online and in retail stores under the names “Methyl 1-D,” “Methyl 1-D XL” and Formadrol Extreme XL.

    Ronald Berry, an attorney for LG Sciences, said Friday that all the company’s products are legal and the ingredients are safe for consumers. The FDA seizure was called “merely a preliminary step in determining compliance with food regulations. Although LG Sciences feels the temporary restraint of its product by the FDA is inappropriate, the company appreciates that the FDA wishes to protect the public,” a statement released by Berry wrote.

    The seizure comes two years after the FDA warned a company called Legal Gear – the predecessor to LG Sciences - to cease distribution of another product that was marketed as a dietary supplement but was actually an unapproved new drug containing synthetic steroids, the government’s statement said.

    FDA Requests Seizure of Illegal Dietary Supplements

  • #2

    I love it when I read about tax dollars being spent on banning supplements. It gets me fired up in the morning to know that I live in a methyl supplement free world.

    Seriously people, when do we say enough is enough? We just keep bending over...........


    • #3
      Turbo, priceless

      But this was too easy of a bust to not take down. LG was always pretty arrogant with product advertisement and association to anabolic steroids. I doubt much effort was put into this bust. If you see a $50 bill on the ground, going to pick it up? Yep. Me too.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Turbo3000 View Post
        HELL YEAH!!

        I love it when I read about tax dollars being spent on banning supplements. It gets me fired up in the morning to know that I live in a methyl supplement free world.

        Seriously people, when do we say enough is enough? We just keep bending over...........
        they should put there money in a real world crisis...METH!!


        • #5
          I just saw this stuff at GNC today. It was the Methyl 1-D XL. Is this stuff any good?

