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Topical Fat burners

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  • Topical Fat burners

    Anyone have any luck with them.I used Yohimburn a while back with little or no results.I know cutting gel is bunk. What about Lipoderm y/ ultra or ab-solved or any others?

  • #2
    I tried Yohimburn...ditto on the lack of results. IMO, the only way to really lose fat is to watch your diet and hit the cardio. Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure for the flabbiness.


    • #3
      Lipo-y is for female pattern fat distribution and my understanding is that yohimburn was modeled after Lipoderm so its no suprise that you didnt see any results. As a woman I can say the Lipoderm is amazing for me. But if you use these products and your over 15% BF, you will be too fat to notice any results, whereas if your under then any reduction in skinfold will be noticeable. You have to maintain a -500 caloric defecit while using the product or it wont work. So in the end it is still all about diet. Guys might want to try absolved if you have your diet down.


      • #4
        Im presently around 11% bf diet is in check and I do around 20- 30 min of cardio 3-4 times a week. Im trying to get a jump on my luv handles. Teir not terrible just annoying.


        • #5
          I have absolved right now and have been using it for two weeks.

          I still need to get my diet/workouts in order but I would say it helps a little to keep the extra fat off if you slip on the diet.


          • #6
            cool, keep me updated please.


            • #7
              According to what I have read if you are fatter like 20%, then absolved is supposed to be better, with less fat lipoderm is better. So far I think it helps a bit. I just changed my diet now so It will be hard to say which is making the fat loss. I say try it. It's a cheap investment $20 a bottle so even if it doesn't work as well as you hoped you won't lose much cash.


              • #8
                I've tried a bunch of topicals. Right now I"m on lipoderm (prolangtum recommended it). You really need to be in the single digit body fat to see ANY sort of result. Even so... it's nothing to write home about...

