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A Quick Guide On How To Compare Probiotics

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  • A Quick Guide On How To Compare Probiotics

    A Quick Guide On How To Compare Probiotics

    As with any other supplements, probiotics, whether in pill form or yogurt products are available as high quality and also as cheap good-for-nothing products as well. With these few tips you will have a good understanding of how to compare probiotics.


    The first thing many people look at is the price. Prebiotic yogurts and quality supplements are expensive. There is a reason for it. In this case the price will definitely tell you a lot about the quality of a probiotic. If it’s priced way below some of the higher priced ones you can be sure it’s not worth much so stay away.

    Probiotic manufacturers spend money on research and development, good manufacturing practices, the latest production techniques, effective ingredients, and proper sealed packaging. These things all cost money. Cheap products will not be from one of these quality manufacturers.

    Numbers of bacteria are important

    Not all probiotic supplements are created equal. The higher quality ones can be effective but on the other end, the cheap ones won’t do anything for you. There have been some to even contain fecal or soil organisms. You don’t want that!

    Just because a product says it’s probiotic doesn’t really mean anything. It needs to describe the actual names of the bacteria and how many. Anything with less that 1 billion isn’t worthwhile. Look for ones with higher doses of up to, and over 10 billion. This is especially important if you’re on antibiotics or have recently been, and if so, 20 billion is better.

    Quality means “standardized”

    Quality bacteria strains are cultured in a specific way, and the best ones are labeled as being “standardized”. To be standardized means they have to be inspected by an independent laboratory to prove their purity and quality. Most are not standardized which means the manufacturers can buy their bacteria from distributors who mass produce them and will be inferior to the ones that are.

    Can you just eat yogurt for increased digestive health?

    With all the many yogurts and it’s bi-products in the stores, how do we know they will live up to all the hyped-up claims? There was a well-known brand recently that lost a court case and was forced to remove some of those unproven claims from their labels.

    There have been some medical reports that suggest the amount of probiotics in yogurt products and some inferior supplements just aren’t enough to survive the acid in the stomach or have any helpful impact on the intestines.

    Sugar – a major downside

    It is true that many yogurt products have a high amount of sugar added. This makes most of them no good for diabetics, candida yeast sufferers, anyone battling with weight problems and those of us who simply are trying to limit or avoid sugar for better health reasons. Sugar goes by many names – glucose, maltose, dextrose, and aspartame.

    Regardless of your probiotic intake, they aren’t self-supporting and rely on prebiotics to grow

    Probiotic supplements are man-made bacteria to supplement the bacteria already residing in our intestines. What many people don’t realize is that probiotics, as supplements, or the good bacteria inside us, are not self supporting, which means they need prebiotics to grow.

    What nutritional scientists tell us is that probiotics feed off of prebiotics in the large intestine and this is the way to explosively make an impact on their growth, not just taking more probiotic supplements.

    Prebiotics are the link

    Science has made some huge claims for prebiotics, some proven already and some not. The main thing is that we now know there is a link between how prebiotic substances may have the ability to balance our blood sugar, lower cholesterol, help to control our weight, speed up transit of wastes, ease symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease, prevent dangerous bacteria from sticking to the intestinal tract where they like to form cells which can become dangerous polyps that can turn into colon cancer.

    If you feel you want to take them, we hope you now have a few useful tips on how to compare probiotics. And whether you take them or not, remember that prebiotics are key to building up a healthy bacterial balance in your intestinal tract.

    Our Recommemdation Following Detailed Research On How To Compare Probiotics:

    To stimulate the growth of your good bacteria you need prebiotics. But to have a well-balanced digestive tract you also need to ensure you are getting enough digestive enzymes, soluble fiber, and phenolic compounds.

    We have to date, found only one product that contains all 4 of these important substances in Kiwi Biotic.

    This product is unique and makes other prebiotic supplements inferior in quality and content.

    Now that you know how to compare probiotics, you also know about the other piece of the puzzle many others are about to find out – what it takes for you to achieve and sustain excellent digestive health.

    For more information that we could not fit here, visit Maxalife’s website for the full benefits of MX Kiwi Biotic.

    We love to share everything we know and find through our independent research on natural health and wish you the best of it.