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Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) Enhances Insulin Sensitivity

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  • Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) Enhances Insulin Sensitivity

    This supplement is a must for anyone on GH or GH Peptides. As we all know or should know, GH use decreases insulin sensitivity over time. ALA can help with that. It's been proven in several human trials to boost insulin sensitivity by as much as 60%.

    Make your body more sensitive to the insulin it naturally releases when you eat and you can take advantage of the muscle-building effects of insulin and avoid the fat-gaining effects of producing too much insulin (being insulin resistant).

    If you're more insulin-sensitive it'll be easier to gain more muscle and drop more fat. If you're dieting, the insulin-sensitive person will lose more fat without losing muscle.

    Recommended dose is 500-600mgs per day. Be prepared though, it makes your pee smell worse than asparagus. lol

    PubMed - Abstract
    Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), a naturally occurring compound and a radical scavenger was shown to enhance glucose transport and utilization in different experimental and animal models. Clinical studies described an increase of insulin sensitivity after acute and short-term (10 d) parenteral administration of ALA. The effects of a 4-week oral treatment with alpha-lipoic acid were evaluated in a placebo-controlled, multicenter pilot study to determine see whether oral treatment also improves insulin sensitivity. Seventy-four patients with type-2 diabetes were randomized to either placebo (n = 19); or active treatment in various doses of 600 mg once daily (n = 19), twice daily (1200 mg; n = 18), or thrice daily (1800 mg; n = 18) alpha-lipoic acid. An isoglycemic glucose-clamp was done on days 0 (pre) and 29 (post). In this explorative study, analysis was done according to the number of subjects showing an improvement of insulin sensitivity after treatment. Furthermore, the effects of active vs. placebo treatment on insulin sensitivity was compared. All four groups were comparable and had a similar degree of hyperglycemia and insulin sensitivity at baseline. When compared to placebo, significantly more subjects had an increase in insulin-stimulated glucose disposal (MCR) after ALA treatment in each group. As there was no dose effect seen in the three different alpha-lipoic acid groups, all subjects receiving ALA were combined in the "active" group and then compared to placebo. This revealed significantly different changes in MCR after treatment (+27% vs. placebo; p < .01). This placebo-controlled explorative study confirms previous observations of an increase of insulin sensitivity in type-2 diabetes after acute and chronic intravenous administration of ALA. The results suggest that oral administration of alpha-lipoic acid can improve insulin sensitivity in patients with type-2 diabetes. The encouraging findings of this pilot trial need to be substantiated by further investigations.

  • #2
    Good info. I'm gunna look into buying some.


    • #3
      I've also read that ALA can compete with biotin so it is recommended that you supplement with biotin if you dosing more than 100mgs a day.


      • #4
        Also ala has piss poor bio-availability. If you can get Na-r-ala and make sure it is in a tinted bottle. ALA and ala derivatives are effected by sunlight. It degrades the product and decreases or even can eliminate its effectiveness.

