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My progress/cutting....what do you think?

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  • My progress/cutting....what do you think?

    Here is my Progress so far. Please let me know if this is normal, below normal or above normal progress:

    20JAN04-220lbs-25% BF

    ****please note, i'm using hand held calipers and they are not th digital ones so I might not actually be that high, but i'm just using them as a measurment tool to make sure I'm loosing BF.

    I have been on the Keto diet and have been making great progress. I have been actually gaining strength in the gym and loosing BF. I think i'm actually gaining muscle and looing BF at the same time, even though I tought that wasent possible.

    My workouts are like this:
    FRI-Chest ,Tri's, Bi's
    SAT-Legs, Abs
    Sun-Back, Shoulders
    Wed-basketball, or racketball
    *****as you can see I havent incorperated Cardio into my routine yet because I am waiting for my fat loss to slow down. And when it slows down I will kick it in the ass with some HIIT on Tues and THurs to speed it up again.

    The supplements i'm taking might be sparing my muscle as well so here is a list of what i'm using:

    Green Tea
    Liquid ClebuterX-for the first 3 weeks. Now i'm cycling off of this and started using Guggle Bolic Extreme for my time off of this before I start up again in 2 weeks. I think these supplements are definatly helping in preventing my muscle breakdown.

    ***I dont know if its possible, but I am hoping to be Ripped by July 5th. Thats a 6 month, intense cutting period that I have set my goal for. I will accomplish this and there is no turning back now. I am a determined man.

    ***I am also taking monthly progress pics that I will post eventually. I take one every 5th of the month. Jan 5th and Feb 5th. When I take the March 5th one, I will post my progress pics.

  • #2
    Nice going, keep pumping !!


    • #3
      Thats excellent.


      • #4
        Am I loosing BF at a normal pace? ALso, do you think I should wait till my BF loss slows down before I add cardio?


        • #5
          Originally posted by vinnys025
          Am I loosing BF at a normal pace? ALso, do you think I should wait till my BF loss slows down before I add cardio?
          I would definately add cardio at least 3 times a week @ 20-4-min per session. You should really accelerate your fat loos. You have done a good job but I think it could definatly be better with cardio.


          • #6
            No I would start adding cardio now. Work up just to moderate pace walking.


            • #7
              Originally posted by speedracer59
              I would definately add cardio at least 3 times a week @ 20-4-min per session.
              What does that mean?


              • #8
                Im sorry I ment 20 - 40 minute


                • #9
                  Great Job bro...Keep up the good WORK! ANIMALLLL!

