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Exercise Bike: Recumbent or Traditional

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  • Exercise Bike: Recumbent or Traditional

    Hey guys,
    Was thinking about buying an exercise bike for home and wanted to get your opinion on which bike would be better, a traditional sit up exercise bike or a recumbent exercise bike (sitting down and back). A friend of mine has a recumbent exercise bike that he is willing to sell for a great price but I am not sure if they are any good or any better than the traditional sit up bikes.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Here is the pic of the recumbent exercise bike that he has:

  • #2
    I'd say go with which ever is more comfortable for you to ride, if the one you get isn't to your liking you won't use it as much so I'd say go with you comfort level


    • #3
      I've used both and I own a Lifecycle recumbant. IMO, you can't beat the recumbant(sp). Less stress on my lower back for one thing. BB


      • #4
        I agree with the comfort = use statement 100%

        Mmmmk now for some mushy science. Although the rec. bike may be more apealing b/c of the "lazy boy" posture, it really boosts the feeling of high exertion. You guessed it ...NOT a good thing.

        When asking people of their percieved level of Exertion on a scale from 1-10 you have to realize that there is a 2 - 3 point buffer in there that you must deal with. When your sitting back pumping with your Legs it is pretty easy to get a decent level of LA blasting into your thigh's (making them burn). This inturn makes you feel like your working the hell out of your body...I always ask whoever it is to think about their breathing...blood flow etc and then ask them again on a scale from 1-10. Normally it equalizes a bit.

        -warm up your eyes and get them ready to roll ;)

        Please think in terms of the fat burn and body temp relationship!! When your on the rec bike the radiated heat from the working muscle groups is vented via the large surface area of your legs...out to the room! Sure your brow, back and what ever will sweat, but your biothermal engergy can be put to better use than that! ON an upright bike it radiates verticaly (again) into the core of your being :) inturn raising your core temp.

        Less or more stress on the lower back...if you have back problems ...sorry...but Stressing our bodies is kinda what we do (not joints, and nerves). So just like a pull up is better than a pulldown and a squat is better than a leg press b/c of more nueromuscular activation: Road bike > trainer > upright > Recumbant.

        There have been a few studies about doing cardio with your MIND AND YOUR BODY vs. reading a book or something that occupies your thoughts while you exercise. Initial results lean tward a MUCH greater fat burning response to focused cardio. (about as many as have been able to link the prolonged accelerated caloric expenditure caused by intense anaerobic exercise and it's effect on fat burning metabolism during cardio sessions that follow -- OK the point of that: there is alot of "smart theroy" flying around)

        Ummmm Last thought....either way that you go PLEASE DONT tell me your going to put it in your bedroom ... b/c the smell of your sleeping area triggers strong...........Ha ... another day :)

        back to work 4 me.


        • #5
          Looks liek no one else has anything to say after that;)


          • #6
            I am a cyclist so even the thought of using a 'lazy boy' makes me feel inadequate


            • #7

              I would like to start by saying... I ride alot (road).. I usually do about 100 miles a week, and that's only if I am not doing any competitions or preping for anything serious.

              I ride a race bike when I ride outside, so I am very used to the "typical" bike position. But, when I go into the gym and want to do cardio, I always go to the recumbant.

              Why? Well, 2 things. First, the upright bikes do not mimic the feeling of riding a race bike that well at all. I don't think that it helps with my conditioning to be on an upright bike at all (over a recum) and does not help me get in the "flow" of being on a real bike.

              But the really big reason is.. The seats on most exercise bikes are terriable. They are designed for women; they have a huge flare to them, and they are NOT what you want if your used to a real bike. I always feel like I am sliding off of them, and can never get comfortable on any of our upright bikes at the gym. I cannot stress how bad they annoy me; I will not ride at all in the gym if I can't get on a recumb..

              All that said, some people do like uprights better. And I like to ride a trainer just fine (which, if you don't know, if a device that takes a road bike and makes it into a stationary bike). But, in the gym, recumb is the way to go for me.

              Hope that helps.



              • #8
                hey puma, good to see another rider on the board.

                i am a tri guy. log about 60 miles a week on the bike. maybe longer if i get in a long saturday or sunday ride.

                for cyclists, neither stationary bike is adequate. must be on a trainer or at least in a spin class to get any type of correct feel.

                for ecmoney i think that recumb from your friend would be perfect.


                • #9
                  Thanks guys for all your help, especially ZHowitzer! a post...haha

                  It looks like I will buy the recumbent exercise bike from my friend this weekend and NO I will not put it in my bedroom...hehe!

                  I will keep it in my basement infront of my TV and basically ride for 30-40 minutes a night while watching some TV.

                  Thanks guys, much appreciated!


                  • #10
                    IDK Id get to relaxed on those things and fall asleep. The best bike ride is a real one. Outside feeling the breeze. Just took one before Nice =) Haha but anyways in the gym When i dont feel like jogging ill jump on a bike but i feel like im too relaxed to really get a work out from a recumbent. I saw some guy eating and drinking while reading a magazine on one of those. How stupid is that lol. And how good of a work out can u get when ur all laid back pedaling like that ???


                    • #11
                      I tend to get a better workout and pump from the uprights.
                      The upright "side to side" motion more closely mimics running.
                      It is a matter of preference... and cost.
                      Recumbents traditionally are a little more expensive.

