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trainers, Gotta Just Laugh.

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  • trainers, Gotta Just Laugh.

    Nothing makes me loose my concentration more when you see a trainer that works for a gym, weighing maybe 140lbs, instructing somebody how to bulk up and then proceeding to show them incorrect form. also, since i am on a tear, i overheard one trainer tell his disciple that he does not need to worry about legs until six months of training. and oh yes you need the roll pad for squats so you do not hurt your shoulders, LMFAO.

  • #2
    It's amazing that any of us get a good work-out at the gym with all of the distractions going on around...


    • #3
      Well, one thing I have to say is just cos somebody is light it doesn't mean they are inexperienced at working out compared to somebody who is heavier and with a bigger build. Common misconception. One can learn a lot from reading without ever having to lift a weight. Some of the bigger people I know still talk rubbish don't know what they are doing. But, by the sounds of what this guy is saying, he really is misinformed... no leg training for six months, stupidest thing I ever heard.....


      • #4
        Originally posted by Face
        Well, one thing I have to say is just cos somebody is light it doesn't mean they are inexperienced at working out compared to somebody who is heavier and with a bigger build. Common misconception. One can learn a lot from reading without ever having to lift a weight. Some of the bigger people I know still talk rubbish don't know what they are doing. But, by the sounds of what this guy is saying, he really is misinformed... no leg training for six months, stupidest thing I ever heard.....
        yeah that is what I was going to point out. The size of a person has nothing to do with there knowledge. That would be like saying that the person with the most money in his pockets in the richest always. You never know when someone has a million dollars in the bank vault.


        • #5
          Originally posted by stonecold54
          yeah that is what I was going to point out. The size of a person has nothing to do with there knowledge. That would be like saying that the person with the most money in his pockets in the richest always. You never know when someone has a million dollars in the bank vault.



          • #6
            But still, nothing makes me feel better than to rip the puss pad off the barbell in the squat rack and toss it into the corner. Especially when the guys that never do legs are in awe when I start loading plates. I love when the barbell leaves a line across my traps for the rest of the day.


            • #7
              i lose my balance when i try to squat using the pads on the bar. it elevates the bar another inch off my trap and i end up wobbling.

              that's why even girls should shurg :) we need our traps to hold the bar for leg work :D


              • #8
                Originally posted by stonecold54
                yeah that is what I was going to point out. The size of a person has nothing to do with there knowledge. That would be like saying that the person with the most money in his pockets in the richest always. You never know when someone has a million dollars in the bank vault.

                Yeah just because a trainer is big doesnt mean he's more knowledgable at all. Where I went to school for training my teacher was probably 145-150 lbs and the guy knew more about fitness than anyone I've met. So can't always judge a book...but yeah that guy sounds like a jackass anyways...:D


                • #9
                  I don't really mind what he looks like as long as he gives people good advice, what bothers me is the trainer at my gym has horrible fake lat syndrome.. it's very hard to not get frustrated when all 150lbs of him goes around with his arms pumped out like he has dorians back hidden under his tshirt...


                  • #10
                    The personal trainer at my old gym would always be telling me how good of shape he used to be in, but he couldnt train anymore because of his back problems. It didnt efect his eating any. He was probably 80lbs overweight. I swear if I hear "start with 30 min cardio 3 sets per muscle group 10 reps per set and do this circuit 3 days a week" I would puke. I think thats the problem with most personal trainers where I live they are just there for the beginers and only know the basics. He told me they were downsizing the freeweight area because they were to dangerous and that wasnt the image they wanted to represent. Man I'd love to have a hardcore gym around here instead of all these babyboomer yuppie gyms.

