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my workout partner

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  • my workout partner

    hey , my bro has a lil prob. when we do flat dumbell for chest he has perfect form but when we use a barbell he has a dragging arm and cannot keep straight form. dont know why it works out like this. have any thought or suggestions to help? everyone else just says stick with the dumbells.

  • #2
    Dragging arm? You mean the bar isnt balanced or level? This is actually fairly common.... the dominate arm usually outworks the other..


    • #3
      yes not level


      • #4
        It is in his stabilizing muscles... he will have to work with the lighter weight until his arm catches up with the other. This is common with a lot of newbies... especially young ones.
        BTW... I only do dumbell... no bar.


        • #5
          Weird cause i see that at the gym alot. My buddy does the same thing. With dumblees he balances them like as if nothing and when hes benching with barbell I have to be beind him spotting him cause it all goes to the sides.


          • #6
            Continue using both dumbells and barbells, but when he's doing barbells, he'll have to do a lower weight than he really wants to until he can keep the bar straight. Use the dumbells for heavier work.


            • #7
              Ask if he's ever injured his collarbone...I find that anyone who has seldom achieves proper form on the flat bench with bar. They almost always press the bar in a skewed position, lag with one side, or even lay on the bench a little crooked to compensate.


              • #8
                Yea I agree on lowering the wieght. He may have perfect form doing single arm. But his muscles sound like there just not as use to working together.


                • #9
                  Too much weight maybe, or his arms are different lengths (like a freak), or he needs to learn better technique. He needs to correct it.

