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Lookin for help

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  • Lookin for help

    I'm 19 y/o 5'11 180ish lbs. Been liftin weights for about 2.5 years. Been really serious about it for about the last 1 year. I'd like som advice from any of you more established BBer's. I'd like to start body building add both size to my frame and stay lean enough to have a 6 pack. I take 3 whey iso shakes a day along with 3 meals. I train 6 of 7 days of the week for 2-3 hours. What are some good mass building exercises sets, reps, weight limits, rest periods, times to consume shakes, whatever you have to offer, my ears are open. I'll post my routine for suggestions.

  • #2
    MONDAY--->Cardio (20-25 mins) Chest Abs Bi's (Super set Abs and with Bi's)
    TUESDAY---> Cardio Back Calfs Tri's
    WEDNESDAY---> Cardio Delts Abs Legs

    Chest- Flat BP, Inc DBP, Flat Flyes, Pull overs, Dips
    Back- Bent row, Cable row, shrugs, pulldowns, Hyperextensions
    Delts- Shoulder press, side laterals, Up-row, Bent lateral, Front Lateral
    Bi- 1 hand cable curl (preacher), cable preacher, Hammers or Concentration
    Tri- Narrow BP, Pushdowns, skull crushers, over head extensions, dips or kickbacks
    Calfs- Seated raise, Press machine raise
    Abs- Sit-ups, Cable crunches, leg raises(Laying and machine), side bends and or twists


    • #3
      Well its going to be a slow road if you want to gain size and keep a six-pack.
      You should cut the cardio back to about 3 days and 2-3 hours in the gym is too much.


      • #4
        The cardio isn't really a part of my routine. Thats Walking home at the end of work, plus all of the activity I do at work. (I'm the head of a youth rec. camp). What would you suggest for getting bigger then?


        • #5
          well my first suggestion is to stay out of the gym more. 3 days a week is plenty and even then every 6 weeks or so I would take a full week off. and as someone else said 2-3 hours a day is WAY to should be able to get a quality workout (as long as the gym is not busy) in about 30-35 minutes. anything else is either to many exercises or too much talking. as far as staying lean and getting mass I do think it is possible but it is a much slower process and you must be very precise in your diet to achieve it. what type of equipment do you have access to?


          • #6
            Chest, back, delts, and bi's I would drop two exercises. If you can't get the muslce hit and stimulated in 3 exercises you are not doing them right. I agree that 6 days is way to many days. Even those of us who hit each muscle once a week on there own days, don't lift that much. Keep the routine you have if you like it, but put a day of rest on tues and thur, workout Mon, wed, fri, and rest on the weekends. With the walking that you do, and the overload of weight exercises, your body dosn't get near enough rest. You grow while you rest and sleep, not when your in the gym.


            • #7
              I have access to a seated calf raise machine, Lat pulldown, overhead cable (pulldown), floor cable, squat rack, seated cable row, leg press, preacher bench


              • #8
                So why do bbr's go to the gym for all that time and all the time?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by g-funk
                  So why do bbr's go to the gym for all that time and all the time?
                  That's their job and most of them don't do more than an hour in the gym.


                  • #10
                    How much time should be spent on each group and how many exercises?


                    • #11
                      i dont understand how you can lift for 2-3 hours doing that many excersises, are your rests like 10 minutes?


                      • #12
                        I lift about 1-1.5 after a 30 minute cardio (Shootin hoops or jogging) and I do about 15 minutes on abs. I rest about 1 minute between sets. I've recently been super setting more, which has lead to shorter days.


                        • #13
                          Since my routine is a 3 part split, would it be better to do 3 days on 1 day off?


                          • #14
                            Did you read any part of what was said about rest?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by g-funk
                              So why do bbr's go to the gym for all that time and all the time?
                              because most of them are on the far right side of the bell curve which means they can do anything and grow INSPITE of it. also what you read in the magazines is mostly bullshit...the majority of those guys do not write their own articles nor do they do what they say.

