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Bulky Chest

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  • Bulky Chest

    On my current cycle i plan on trying to get as much mass as i can,so ordinarily how "bulky" i get wouldnt matter. But for me,i am 5'9'',210 about 12% bodyfat,and my chest is real bulky and sticks out making it look like i have tits.

    so my question is,should i cut back on the presses and concentrate more on just flyes? like just do incline press,then do various angled flyes? i am open to suggestions...i like the flook of a spread out chest,but i am a naturally short,bulky guy..any thoughts?

    thanks again

  • #2
    if it looks like you have tits, maybe it's just bodyfat...but at 12% as you say, you're fairly lean...maybe you need more development in your upper chest to even it you have pics to help explain what you're talking about?


    • #3
      well i definitely have a little body fat on my chest,i used to be a fat kid and it has taken me years and years to get to where i am now. So i know i can still get leaner,but all in all my chest is mostly muscle but the pecs are just a bulk instead of more spread. I was just wondering if i should cut back the presses and just do flyes or what...i will work on finding a picture


      • #4
        I'll hold off until I see the pic to tell you what I think


        • #5
          Just from what you said, I believe your BF is probably a higher than 12%


          • #6
            This is the best picture i have that actually shows any of was on my friends webcam...maybe i am more than 12% i dunno
            Attached Files


            • #7
              from what I can see...and it is very look like you have pretty decent may be more than 12%, but I doubt you're around 20%, for example. do you have better pics of yourself? I still can't see your chest

              that notwithstanding, definitely incorporate flyes into your workout, but don't abandon heavy presses altogether. It's easy for pros who are 5'10 and 260 to say that all they do for chest is a bunch of flyes, but they've already put in 15 solid years of dieting, training and AAS, and don't necessarily need to build a strong foundation in their chest. As you diet and train more, your shape will come...focus on your upper chest, though, lots of incline barbell and db work

