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First day back: HealthZone South - Tulsa

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  • First day back: HealthZone South - Tulsa

    First day back at the gym, HealthZone south in tulsa..

    took a look around, thought " where's the squat cage? " flagged down a trainer who pointed me at the smith machine.. bleh.. guess my cleans are gonna have to get a whole lot better to get a decent squat in.. I really like everything else about the gym, the wife likes their yoga programs.

    So I went ahead and did some squats on the smith machine just to stack the weight on.

    4x5 squats
    4x5 deadlift
    4x5 leg extensions
    4x10 standing calf raises

    not bad first day back, given the mile jog to the gym and the mile stumble back. it's a wonder i didn't get the cops called on the way back, with the stiff legged, locked knee, lurching gait i had going back trying hard not to lose it all together and end up chewing a face full of asphalt. scaring little kids who were peeking out of their window at 5:30am by the frankandstein looking thing lumbering down the street.

    saw some chick use this thing that looked like an overblown cow udder to sit on while she did lat pulldowns, that was kinda weird. i think the 2 mile jog/walk will help with forcing the warm-up/cool down that i used to pretty much ignore.

    bacon once i got back, YUM!
    Last edited by Scoops; 04-03-06, 08:03 AM.

  • #2
    yeah...first day back is always interesting, sounds like you lift at a real hardcore gym (joke)...squat cages are an endangered species, hope it all goes well though


    • #3
      yeah "hardcore" nah, we got a deal on a family membership.. the upside of it there's hardly anyone in the freeweight area, and i like cleans and front squats anyway. (well, i like what they do for me...)

