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What is your split like?

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  • What is your split like?

    My split looks like this:

    Monday: Back

    Tuesday: Triceps

    Wednesday: Biceps

    Thursday: Shoulders

    Friday: Legs

    Saturday: Off

    Sunday: Chest

    I like this split because no workout interferes with the other. For example, if you do biceps before back day, you are not going to be able to pull the same amount of weight because your biceps will be sore. I like the push/pull plan. Back is pull, triceps are push, biceps are pull, etc.. I train abs every other day.

    What is your split?
    Last edited by Bouncer; 05-21-07, 11:58 AM.

  • #2
    i was thinkin about asking this also,,,,looks pretty much like yours. i need two day off a week.
    mon- chest
    tues- back

    no cardio right now.


    • #3
      monday - chest

      tuesday - legs

      wednesday - arms

      thursday - shoulders

      friday or saturday - back

      sunday - off


      • #4
        Originally posted by redneck99
        monday - chest

        tuesday - legs

        wednesday - arms

        thursday - shoulders

        friday or saturday - back

        sunday - off
        so do you take off on friday or saturday? you said "or" so i am not really sure which.


        • #5
          At this point because I train light weight and high volume I don't really have a set day that I take off, so my body parts rotates. Like last week I was able to train four days in a row so took off fri and sat, and did cardio and abs yesterday.
          But, here is my split...
          Day one, legs.
          Day two, chest and back width.
          Day three, Shoulders and arms( I do both bis and tris)
          Day four, back thicknes and hamstrings.


          • #6
            Does anyone feel that you can accomplish all you need to with a 3 day a week routine? Or should I say do you think that in order to achieve your goals, you need to be in the gym 4-5 days a week? I have heard alot both ways. I guess it's comparable to some people saying you need to work out for 2 hrs while other say hit it hard and fast. Any thoughts?


            • #7
              Originally posted by grnmchn
              Does anyone feel that you can accomplish all you need to with a 3 day a week routine?
              I don't think so. I feel that by working a bunch of muscles together in a day, you can not concentrate and use 100% energy on that muscle. I for one can not stay away from the gym that long. 3 days a week would feel like I am not even working out. 45 minutes each day, 6 days a week to me is much better then 2-3 hours 3 times a week.


              • #8
                Mon - Chest
                Tues - Back
                Wed - Shoulders
                Thurs- Tri's / Bi's
                Fri - Quads
                Sat - Hams / Calves
                Sun - Rest


                • #9
                  Originally posted by grnmchn
                  Does anyone feel that you can accomplish all you need to with a 3 day a week routine? Or should I say do you think that in order to achieve your goals, you need to be in the gym 4-5 days a week? I have heard alot both ways. I guess it's comparable to some people saying you need to work out for 2 hrs while other say hit it hard and fast. Any thoughts?
                  Sure you can. But it all depends on your goals and your fitness level. Are you a beginer? or pretty advanced? What are you try to accomplish?

                  Remember, when you start exercising you always are making progress there is no going backwards or not making any progress at all. That only happens if you keep your ass on the couch or the office chair all day long and eat like crap. Hell even if you eat like crap as long as you are trainging something you still are making progress. NOT as much you would if you were doing it everyday or if you were eating clean but you are making some progress nonetheless.


                  • #10
                    I don't feel like I do very well pairing two muscle groups together in a day. I only do it for bi's/tri's and hams/calves. Anything other than that, I feel like i'm cheating one of the muscle groups. I like to hit the muscle hard and i'm burnt after that.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by wnabeabeast
                      Sure you can. But it all depends on your goals and your fitness level. Are you a beginer? or pretty advanced? What are you try to accomplish?

                      Remember, when you start exercising you always are making progress there is no going backwards or not making any progress at all. That only happens if you keep your ass on the couch or the office chair all day long and eat like crap. Hell even if you eat like crap as long as you are trainging something you still are making progress. NOT as much you would if you were doing it everyday or if you were eating clean but you are making some progress nonetheless.
                      I have been training for years, but I have a newborn and I typically work out at 5 am so there are times when the gym isn't at the top of my priority list. I still make it in there 3-4 times a week. Typically doing bi's/tri's, chest/back, shoulders/legs/abs. I have not made significant progress this way, but have pretty much maintained. Any advise you can give for me in this situation? Maybe a different routine that would coincide with my lifestyle right now;)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by grnmchn
                        I have been training for years, but I have a newborn and I typically work out at 5 am so there are times when the gym isn't at the top of my priority list. I still make it in there 3-4 times a week. Typically doing bi's/tri's, chest/back, shoulders/legs/abs. I have not made significant progress this way, but have pretty much maintained. Any advise you can give for me in this situation? Maybe a different routine that would coincide with my lifestyle right now;)
                        You may want to talk to stonecold then. He works using an HIT routine that has him working out like 3 days a week.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by grnmchn
                          I have been training for years, but I have a newborn and I typically work out at 5 am so there are times when the gym isn't at the top of my priority list. I still make it in there 3-4 times a week. Typically doing bi's/tri's, chest/back, shoulders/legs/abs. I have not made significant progress this way, but have pretty much maintained. Any advise you can give for me in this situation? Maybe a different routine that would coincide with my lifestyle right now;)
                          When you say you haven't made significant progress what do you mean? What is your goal? Are you trying to drop bf and get lean or put some size on?

                          Well, in either case...Here is the bad news and the good news.
                          First the bad news: Your body part split is not going to effect your progress in a significant way.
                          And the good news is...Your body part split is not going to effect your progress in a significant way. :)

                          In your case, and I am sure you heard this million times. Actually in anyone's case diet and the cardio plays the most significant part. You can ask anyone here and you'll see especially with the competitive guys(and we are talking without the aas) they can gain 30-35lbs or more off season and drop that much or more weight when they start their contest diet. and it all happens without altering their workout style or bodypart split.(yes as you get closer to the show date you get weaker and lift lighter and do more reps but it's still in that 15-20 rep range)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by grnmchn
                            I have been training for years, but I have a newborn and I typically work out at 5 am so there are times when the gym isn't at the top of my priority list. I still make it in there 3-4 times a week. Typically doing bi's/tri's, chest/back, shoulders/legs/abs. I have not made significant progress this way, but have pretty much maintained. Any advise you can give for me in this situation? Maybe a different routine that would coincide with my lifestyle right now;)
                            you should be able to easily get a good routine three days a week. I couldn't give you help unless you specifically wrote down what you do. mine general look is for example (about 2-3 exercises at the most per muscle group, 1 working set to failure or some other intensity variable, so about 5-10 sets at the most per workout).

                            monday legs

                            wed chest, shoulders, tricpes, traps

                            fri- back, rear delt, biceps, forearms

                            but honestly right now I have to change it up where I need to focus on a cardio routine for work that I need to be able to perform so I am cutting my gym sessions down to once a week. in that session I will start with either deads or leg press (alternating every other week), then an incline chest press on the smith machine, reverse grip pulldowns and maybe 1 or 2 small movements. but I will be running 3-5 times a week, climbing 20 flights of stairs and I have a routine at night of bodyweight exercises I have to do.


                            • #15
                              day2-chest abs calves
                              day4-back biceps abs
                              day5-triceps shoulders forearms

