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Sore left shoulder..

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  • Sore left shoulder..

    Well about 2 weeks ago I was doing barbell shoulder presses. I was on my 3rd set and was feeling extra strong that day. I usually dont go heavy on shoulder presses, I like to feel the pump and go high rep 15-20 reps. Anyway, I decided to go a little heavier then usual and I had 275 on the bar. My gym has 2 different kinds of the 45lb plates. They must weigh slightly different because when I lifted the bar off the rack it was obvious that the left side was at least 2-3lbs heavier then the right side. I shouldn't have but I continued on and did 8 reps. Didn't think much of it and went on to a different exercise. About an hour after that workout my left shoulder really started to hurt. I took 2 days off and iced it, ibuprofen etc.. It was fine for like a week and a half. The other day I woke up and it was hurting again just like it did before. I don't know if I slept on it wrong or what but it is a pain in the ass. I want to fucking work out but at the same time I don't want to hurt it anymore if it is like a minor rotator tear or something. I have no pain after about a day off from the gym but as soon as I workout it comes back. You guys think I should take off like a week and let it rest? Hard to stay away from the gym for that long but that is probably the best thing to do right?
    Last edited by Bouncer; 08-08-07, 09:08 AM.

  • #2
    Usually once you've hurt your shoulder, it takes a good amount of time before it stops bothering you. Mine still bothers me every so often. Especially if I sleep on my arm. I'd say it's ok to workout, just don't go so heavy.


    • #3
      yeah the bitch about shoulder injuries is that most upper body movements involve them so it takes so much rest and workout out stoppage to heal. that is why I am so careful with mine. and I hear you on the weights being different. I hate it when gyms mix and match barbell plates.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Stonecold54
        yeah the bitch about shoulder injuries is that most upper body movements involve them so it takes so much rest and workout out stoppage to heal.
        yep, so i am only left with legs. but even that seems to hurt it. holding the bar during squats, lifting the plates up to the bar, etc.. all puts strain on that shoulder. i think i am just going to take off until Monday.


        • #5
          Go with your original instinct and take the time off.


          • #6
            Yep - shoulders don't get a ton of blood flow either so recovery takes even longer than normal - rest bro...


            • #7
              i think the l-dex may have something to do with it also. all my joints feel really dry.


              • #8
                Take some time off. Rest is best option to heal.


                • #9
                  See a doctor. Shoulder injuries suck, but if you get into a rehab program before it gets worse it can make a big difference. How is your shoulder flexibility?


                  • #10
                    BTW, nothing shoulder-related is going to completely heal on it's own in a week. It's probably either inflammation (hopefully) or some type of minor RC tear.


                    • #11
                      I had a similar shoulder injury, but mine hurting that much. I went to a orthopedic specialist and he said my rotor cuff tendon was swollen. He gave me some meds and told me to ice my shoulder 3-4 times a day for 15min. As well as shoulder exercises to perform daily. The medication is called naproxen. After about 3 weeks of taking it i was good a new. Now no pain and hitting shoulders hard. Problem is that my shoulders lost muscle and i am struggling wit the weights that i used to lift


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Control
                        See a doctor. Shoulder injuries suck, but if you get into a rehab program before it gets worse it can make a big difference. How is your shoulder flexibility?
                        this thread is a month and a half old. shoulder is fine now. :)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by THE BOUNCER
                          this thread is a month and a half old. shoulder is fine now. :)
                          That was just minor inflammation then. Good to hear.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by THE BOUNCER
                            this thread is a month and a half old. shoulder is fine now. :)

                            Glad to hear that :dancingne

