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High rep week?

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  • High rep week?

    So I've been keeping my reps at about 6-10 depending on the lift im doing, and keeping everything heavy. I hear a lot of talking about doing sets of high reps and a little lower weights to shock the muscles. My split is six days a week, doing individual muscle groups. Would a whole week of high rep work still be beneficial since I'll hit each muscle group with it or is a whole week to long? About how many reps should I be doing if I were to do something like this. I was thinking about the 20 rep range or so. Thanks.

  • #2
    Originally posted by rado
    It depends...Are you looking for strength or cuts/size? For strength, you should keep to a low rep, also working out 80% of your max from the start(after warm up)...8-6-4...This is what I've done since I've worked out...I pick strength over anything.

    So many guys have size on them and can't lift for shit; weak for their size...I'd rather be me and push way more than the bigger guy and make him look like a chump:D

    So many of my friends in Miami are much "bigger" than me, yet can't lift what I can.

    I say the same thing man, I prefer the heavy weights. When I go high reps, I dont usually feel anything. When I go heavy, I feel much better. And Ive grown too with low reps.


    • #3
      As long as you are changing things up and keeping it new, you are on the right track. The key is feeling the muscle. No matter if you are lifting heavy and low reps or light and high reps, keep that muscle pumped and filled with blood.


      • #4
        I definately prefer lifting heavy. Always lifted as heavy as I could with good form and I will still do that. I was just wondering if a week of high rep work would benefit my muscles at all. I would definately go back to lifting heavy because thats the only way to go in my mind.


        • #5
          Originally posted by rado
          My good friend from Miami likes that feeling...The guy looks incredible for only being 188lbs at 5'7"...All he does is high reps; nothing heavy...I once worked out with him; man I was sore the next day...Goes to show you how much of a difference another persons workout can do for you.
          umm, everyone is supposed to pump the muscle up with as much blood as possible. that is the point dip shit.


          • #6
            i agree with bouncer, you gotta mix things up constantly. imo 20 reps is a little high - on my high rep days i go about 15. but to each their own


            • #7
              Originally posted by gymratin
              i agree with bouncer, you gotta mix things up constantly. imo 20 reps is a little high - on my high rep days i go about 15. but to each their own
              Cool. Never really done a high rep day/week before so I wasnt really sure how many reps. I'll try 15 for a couple workouts next week and see how it goes.


              • #8
                As much as I hate to say it, the best thing for quad size (for me anyway) seems to be high rep leg presses. For a long time all I did for legs was heavy, deep squats (because that's what I like doing). Usually less than 10 reps. Then, not too long ago, I hurt my lower back (working, not lifting) and I had to stop squatting for awhile. I started doing leg-presses but even those hurt my back if I went too heavy so I ended up doing lots of high-rep sets. Guess what? My quads have blown up. It's painful and tedious and I dread it, but grinding out 30-50 rep sets has got my legs growing for the first time in years. Then it got me thinking about some athletes that have big quads for their size (cyclists, speed skaters) and they don't even eat like we do or take the supps we take to get big. Now, if you don't have back problems like I do now, you could do 30+ rep sets of squats, but I've tried high rep squats and even getting to 20 with any kind of weight creates a couple problems:
                1: By rep 15 or so you're breathing like a fat woman giving birth to twins
                2: The lower back pump can be a deal breaker.

                In other words, I feel that because squats are such a full-body workout, you're not going to be able to really punish your quads to the fullest extent without something else giving out first.


                • #9
                  Agreed, I find hacks and Leg press realy isolate the whole leg area from the rest of the body


                  • #10
                    when i do high rep weeks, i normally aim to get 15. i'll take a short rest, maybe 30-45 secs and then pop out another set. usually i'll get about half the reps the second time. i'll do that twice per set.

