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Lets talk Squats.

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  • Lets talk Squats.

    Who else here thinks squats should be done by itself on its own training day? After doing squats, I feel like puking and I have no energy for like 45 mnutes after. I just feel like laying down on the ground and going to sleep in the gym after squats. It totally drains me.

    I spend 1-2 hrs in the gym 5-6 days a week, and I train HARD the whole time, but on squat day im done after squats and cant do much of anything after, so this is my new routine...

    m chest/abs
    t back/calves
    w shoulders/triceps
    t squats/forearms
    f biceps/quads/hams

    Also, I started doing full squats, ass touching the floor, and it feels MUCH better than normal 90 degree squats. I heard that it might be bad for your knees, is it? Also, hows the routine look?

  • #2
    I like the routine. Squats.... wow... lets talk about squats.

    Some days I will do a superset of squats 6 sets of 20 reps.. Talk about death... I only do it mabey once a month, my all time favorite is a zercher squat though.. although I usually use it as a finishing excercise my a combo leg day


    • #3
      If you squat on Thursday, how are you able to train quads and hams again on Friday?

      IF you are squatting hard and heavy, there is no way possible that you would be able too, or much less need to train the same exact muscle groups used the very next day.

      Keep your squats on LEG day, and train your legs seperate from anything else. They deserve their own day, but certainly not 2 days in a row.


      • #4
        That is just flat out great advice.

        What you posted above would be like doing bench press one day, and then saying your doing upper and lower pecs the next day. It just too much and not needed.



        • #5
          I guess your right. I will figure something out.

          It COULD work though. Instead of doing all leg exercises on one day, im simply just spreading it out into two days. Im still doing the same ammount of exercises, just in two days instead of one.

          I will have alot more energy to do quads and hams after biceps, than after squats.
          Last edited by Golden_Muscle; 10-04-03, 12:58 PM.


          • #6
            maybe you need to work on your conditioning first. squats use the most muscle mass, when talking about a non-ballistic movement. I can finish my leg workout easily after a squats. and I squat very very hard. but i do notice that when I am in better conditioning in the summer from riding my bike a lot then my leg workouts are easier. and just on a side note you are working out way too much. 5-6 days for 1-2 hours. try to up your intensity and lower your volume, I guarantee better results. :)


            • #7
              Thanks bros.;)


              • #8
                I think I do need to work on conditioning (cardio) alot more maybe.


                • #9
                  Conditioning could be a part of it. But if your doing a lot of sets on squats, there really is no need for more leg work, if that's your chosen routine. However, if your doing only a couple of sets on squats you should be able to do a few exercises after.

                  If your still intent on splitting hams and quads into a second day and staying with the higher set count on squats, try adding is some more rest days and go to a 8 or 9 day split with a good amount of spacing and off time between the hams/quads day and the squat day on both sides of the split. This would still usually lead to overtraining. I still recommend keeping legs to one day though.

                  Also it looks like you definatly need to decrease volume. Things like abs/calf/forarms don't usually need to take up that much time. I would assume then that your spending around an hour doing just chest or back. This would mean your either doing a few movements (i.e. 2-3) with a lot of sets (i.e. 5-6) or a bunch of movements (i.e. 4-5) with fewer sets (i.e. 2-3). Find a balance, I prefer fewer movements and fewer sets to avoid overtraining, but you really shouldn't need more than a half hour for any one body part.



                  • #10
                    Thanks, cook.;)


                    • #11
                      i wouldnt do squats then hams and quads the next day. give your legs some time to recover. i do squats then 4 sets of ham curls amd 2-3 sets of leg extensions and thats all for leg day. i walk around after that like a wobbley new born horse.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jipped genes
                        i wouldnt do squats then hams and quads the next day. give your legs some time to recover. i do squats then 4 sets of ham curls amd 2-3 sets of leg extensions and thats all for leg day. i walk around after that like a wobbley new born horse.
                        Thats exactly what I do. I guess I will work on my cardio so squats dont drain me so much.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Golden_Muscle
                          Thats exactly what I do. I guess I will work on my cardio so squats dont drain me so much.
                          for the next month try doing high reps on your leg work out. get 4 workouts in and adjust the weight so you can get 12-14 reps. 3 sets of squats 4 sets of ham curls and 3 sets of leg extensions. do it with a max of 2 minutes between sets. by the end of the month you will feel an improvement in your ability to recover from squats. also prepare to get a rep or two more than you did when you go heavy again due to your increased endurance.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jipped genes
                            for the next month try doing high reps on your leg work out. get 4 workouts in and adjust the weight so you can get 12-14 reps. 3 sets of squats 4 sets of ham curls and 3 sets of leg extensions. do it with a max of 2 minutes between sets. by the end of the month you will feel an improvement in your ability to recover from squats. also prepare to get a rep or two more than you did when you go heavy again due to your increased endurance.
                            Will do! Sounds good. Thanks JG.;)

