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The Y!!!!

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  • The Y!!!!

    :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    ... is the worst place on Earth. Basically I have two gyms I'm a member at. A good one at school with everything I need, and the Y in my hometown because it is the only one that offers an away college students deal. So I'm on Spring break, and this is where I am working out this week. Went to do legs today, and I sware to God I almost snapped.

    First of all, I get there 45 minutes before they close. Plenty of time for a hard heavy leg day. The only squat rack in there is taken. And I have seen this guy in here before. He uses that rack for 30 minutes a time at least. Shit! Ok I'll do leg presses. No I can't do leg presses. A group of 3 fucking old guys are all working in together on the only real leg press station! Grrr!!! So I figure I'll just go grab the bench press bar and go high reps with whatever I can get behind my neck from the ground. Low and behold, the bench is taken by a couple of teenie bopper faggots. You guessed it. Thats the only bench! So I went to the girl's fucking section of the gym and used their leg press machine. You know, the one where you push off of the panel and your chair moves. I put it on the highest weight it could and did 3 sets of like 25. (I feel like a queer at this point.)

    Ok so its time for some leg extensions I guess. At this point my focus is shot so I'm just like whatever. So I go to the only leg extension machine, and once again put it on the highest possible weight. (Which is only like 225. I sware to god I hate this place.) I do a set of 12 and stand up to stretch between sets. Some middle aged lady with her fucking spandex and her stupid ipod arm strap thing just walks on up, changes all my settings and shit, and just goes on about doing her leg extensions. At this point I am mad beyond all reasoning. I am too mad to tell her I was in the middle of my sets. I was afraid I would start yelling at her, so I just stared at her. Sure enough, she never got the point.

    All this crap added with the fact that they play easy listening bullshit which I have to listen to because my roomate borrowed my IPOD charger and forgot to give it back. Plus they keep it at like 55 degrees in that bitch. Not a very good workout or night. :mad:

    Oh well. Better days will come. Can't wait until I graduate and can find a real gym and live in only one place!! :)

  • #2
    Sounds like your best bet is to avoid that place.

    I'm guessing each one of these are a little different or have different times that are reasonable. I was a member at one in NC and went for lunch at 2:00 when nobody was there. Another one in Texas I had to quit going to because when I'd get there at 5:00 it would be full of high school kids that would fill it up. Seemed so stupid to me to see a group of 12 kids going from machine to machine.


    • #3
      imo 45 minutes prior to closing would be pushing it, and thats if everything went smoothly. that would leave me little time for rest in between sets. not to mention the occasional waiting on machines, stretching, etc. leave yourself a little more time to complete a workout


      • #4
        but i agree with you on ymca's in general. that would be a last resort for me as a wout spot


        • #5
          none of that would have happened to me. i would have went up to the guy on the squat rack and said, "you mind if i jump in". if for some reason he said, "yes i do mind." i would have said, "we have 45 fucking minutes before it closes, now either you let me jump in or i am going to have to fucking murder you."

          end of story. :)

