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  • squats

    When I do squats I bring my butt down close to the ground, is that the correct way to perform squats? I've heard that method can be more damaging than beneficial.

  • #2
    I dont know bro but I do them until my butt reaches the level of my knees. I dont go under at all.


    • #3
      heres some helpful info

      Stand inside the squat rack and position the barbell on the back of your shoulders and on the trapezius muscles. Your hands should grip the bar at the most comfortable distance from your shoulders while allowing for control of the bar. Be sure not to squeeze the bar too tightly.

      Stand up holding the bar in the same position as described above, and move away from the rack. Feet should be shoulder width apart with toes pointing slightly outward. Be sure to keep the pressure on your feet evenly distributed between your heels and toes.

      Keeping your back flat, (head, neck and spine in a straight line), bend at the knees, hips and ankles until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Your knees should move in-line with your feet. Again, be sure to keep the pressure on your feet evenly distributed between your heels and toes.

      The upward movement requires that you use all the muscles involved simultaneously. As you stand up you should think about pushing your hips forward and pushing your feet into the floor. Again, be aware of the weight distribution on your feet


      • #4
        Youre deep squatting, most go parallel.


        • #5
          I like to go down until my thighs are paralell to the floor. Somtime for good measure at the end of my leg work out I throw some light weight on thee and go to the floor . I think they are ok just dont do them to often they cause alot of stress

