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Ever feel self-concious?

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  • Ever feel self-concious?

    when you get into the gym. I have gained a lot of weight in the last little while due to my pituitary gland and I also herniated a disc in my back. Now I have to lift real light and do slow walking on the treadmill only. I just feel that everyone is looking at me weird when I am there. If you feel like this ever, how do you get past it?


  • #2
    Well i look fabulous so i dont really ever get that. But i will bump for others. :D


    • #3
      What does bump mean? Sorry I am new.


      • #4
        Actually for me a similar situation ended up being very positive, finally reached that Tom Cruise state where here puts his glasses on and says, "Sometime you just have to say what da fu..."

        I had a couple of major injuries and when I went back to the gym this is what I could bench, the bar, yup 45 lbs, just the bar, and even that was a struggle.

        At first I would think everyone was looking thinking, what????

        Here's guy looks strong decent shape etc.

        Yet, for the first time, kind of funny in a way, I knew for a fact I was maxing out, that was it, the best I could do. I had nerve damage and those pesky muscle just would not and could not work.

        It affected every aspect of my workouts and life.

        I became very intimate with 5,10,15 lb dumbells, and could only do them slowly.

        And yes they might have looked at me weird, what I did know though, most likely whatever they were thinking was wrong, they did not know or could imagine the hell I had been through.

        Spent almost three months in bed flat on back, hell, I was happy to be in gym, much better than bed, lol

        Best thing to do is move forward, watch diet, do what you can do, find a way to do max intensity for whatever you can.
        For me, spent years on a recumbant bike, because no pressure on joints and upper body, I could push that, so I did, good for the heart.

        J.D. others have been there and understand the journey, it is tough emotionally and physically, the best you can do is concentrate on what ever you know you can control, ie, depending on what you can and can't do due to pituitary, you could improve your nutritional habits and knowlegdge better than ever before, read stuff, log your meals, etc. try new things, set up new goals that you can meet, whatever, try not to hold onto to things that you can't do right now, that is de-motivating because it is a plan for failure, concentrate on the good things you can do well and do them.

        Hoped That Helped
        Good Luck


        • #5
          bump, is a response to put you at top of the list so others will see it and respond

          it's all good


          • #6
            Thanks Trip. That was excellent.


            • #7
              I feel that way too sometimes JD. Especially when you're first starting off. I felt like everyone had been at that gym and knew each other and I was like an outsider. Once you go for like a week straight, it didn't bother me anymore. Plus, realize that you're there for YOU and you're doing something to better yourself, so who cares what others think!


              • #8
                Thanks Irishgirl, you are right, I know it's all mental but it still sucks.


                • #9
                  I get self aware many many times. The real thing is to realize that you are no freak side show to those around you, you are simply general populace and in life, pretty much unnoticable. =-]

                  Now with those words of encouragement.....

                  No really, just dont worry about it....everyone else at the gym probly thinks you are looking at them funny also.


                  • #10
                    Re: Ever feel self-concious?

                    Originally posted by J.D.
                    when you get into the gym. I have gained a lot of weight in the last little while due to my pituitary gland and I also herniated a disc in my back. Now I have to lift real light and do slow walking on the treadmill only. I just feel that everyone is looking at me weird when I am there. If you feel like this ever, how do you get past it?

                    First off remeber the first rule of exercise.

                    Check your ego at the door.

                    Secondaly you have to remeber very few off those people that look good have always been like that. And for those that have, have come to relize they are just fortunate and supportive of those who try.


                    • #11
                      If somebody looks at me funny or doesn't like how I look that's their problem, I'm in the gym to reach my goals.. apparently he is there to judge people, who do you think will succeed in the long run? Just put in perspective, most people just have low self esteem and try to make other people feel bad for their own ego boosts...


                      • #12
                        Check your ego at the door.

                        words of wisdom. when i started training i weighed 130# soaking wet at almost 6'. bean pole was an understatement. i am sure people laughed at me behind my back but the newness of laughing at the human bookmark wears off and i stuck it out and am in the best shape of my life and stronger than i ever imagined. it took a long time but it was worth it. who cares what small minded people that are insecure about themselves and have to cut down others to make themselves feel better anyway.

                        stick with it bro!


                        • #13
                          J.D. if it helps here is how it breaks down.

                          80% of people look at you and have compassion and know the struggle, because they too struggle and know we all struggle

                          10% have to put others down to feel better

                          10% so nutty they don't even know what they are thinking

                          so, the odds are on your side when someone looks at you 8-1 that they have compassion and see you as doing a positive thing

                          It's tough because TV, radio's, media and movies are so prominent and consistent that message is life is perfect and we are all perfect people, know that it is 100% scripted and contrived, real life is not that way, although it's still tough cause that message is always ringing in are ears, one of those things to try and start tuning out.

                          Notice no one on this thread or post said anything negative, it has all been compassionate, and most of us are the guys and gals you see in gym all the time.

                          So, keep on coming and enjoy.

                          Hoped That Helped
                          Good Luck


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by trip
                            J.D. if it helps here is how it breaks down.

                            Notice no one on this thread or post said anything negative, it has all been compassionate, and most of us are the guys and gals you see in gym all the time.

                            So, keep on coming and enjoy.

                            Hoped That Helped
                            Good Luck
                            I wish some of the girls from this forum worked out at my gym.;) :woot:


                            • #15
                              Ya know what I'll laugh at, the people in your situation who don't stick with it. (We'll all see a ton of them in early January.) Everybody who's in shape started that the beginning in some gym somewhere. Just don't give up!!


