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  • Rows

    Do rows strictly work your traps, or do they work your lats also?

  • #2
    Well depends of what type of row you're talking about if you are talking about Bent Over's then those work the lats and most of the middle back and the traps,with the biceps and forearms being worked as secondary muscles,then there is the Upright Row which works the delts and traps and then finally the Cable Rows which works the lats and the traps.



    • #3
      Please isolate the type of row you are inquiring about... thanx


      • #4
        Cable rows, one arm Dumb Bell rows, bent over rows, the rows that are for your back


        • #5
          All of those incorporate traps adn lats, mostly lats.. Some more than others. Good trap excercise are upright row and very heavy shrugs (the best IMO).


          • #6
            speed racer said it all =-] although i really love powercleans for traps =-]


            • #7
              I have a hard time trying to get my traps to grow, it's my weakest link. Heavy shrugs do me good, I feel 'em the next day - but my traps just don;t want to grow for the life of me.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Rick Morrow
                I have a hard time trying to get my traps to grow, it's my weakest link. Heavy shrugs do me good, I feel 'em the next day - but my traps just don;t want to grow for the life of me.
                Go extremely heavy on bar shrugs. Use straps. Cheat if you have to a little on the way up and squeeze at the top. the ssqeeze makes all the difference. Dont roll your shoulders or bend your arms. After do some one arm shrugs on the smith press with good form. they kill my traps. My Traps are probably my most developed part.


                • #9
                  Excellent advice speed - I'll give 'em a try tonight on the smith - I've never seen anyone do one-arm shrugs on a smith... sounds good.



                  • #10
                    Good old fashion dumbell shrugs allow full range of motion and you can move the dumbells to your front or behind you to hit a little different angle.



                    • #11
                      For some reason I've always had big traps. I've ALWAYS done shrugs though. I also always do them on shoulder day.

                      As far as the first question, any time you row, doing a pulling motion from in front of you to your mid section, you will work lats and traps. Primarily lats, secondairy will be traps.

                      If you want your traps to grow, hit them on shoulder day. Do up right rows as your second or third exercise and finish with shrugs. Shrugs are a great exercise to finish with because it's such a small movement your can do it when the rest of your body is fatigued. I like to run the dumbbell rack. Make sure you use wrist straps for heavy shrugs, especially if your going to run the rack. (Yeah, yeah, yeah, so your forarms aren't getting worked, but we're not working forearms are we?) Start with 120's (or heavier if you can), and drop down 20-30 pounds each drop set until you get to 30 or 40 pound db. Yeah, you might look kind of funny turning red trying to shrug 30 pound dumbbells, but you'll feel it! Most of the people I see don't go heavy enough on db shrugs. They'll use 50 or 60 pounds. Your traps are strong, GO HEAVY.

                      Also, none of the shoulder rotating crap. Straight up and down!



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Submission1

                        Also, none of the shoulder rotating crap. Straight up and down!


                        Good advise. I was originally rotating my shoulders until my personal trainer told me that I might mess up some ligaments (or something else), which made sense.

                        straight up and down

