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Seasons are changing... has your workout?

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  • Seasons are changing... has your workout?

    Now that Spring has sprung, I find that I'm spending more time outside and plan to get my entire family involved with running/jogging once it gets warmer. How has your workout routine changed?

  • #2
    I changed my routine because i stopped seeing gains for 3 weeks. Incorporating more cardio now that the weather is warmer. Just try to do more outdoor things with my friends.


    • #3
      We will do more things that allow us to stay cooler now that summer is coming.

      More climbing at the gym and more kayaking.

      Less running and biking.


      • #4
        My son's a fifth grader and will run cross country for his school next year, I am planning to do a lot more trail running when it gets a bit more dry. It's been crazy wet in the PNW this winter - hasn't cracked 60 degrees yet, the latest since 1940 at least.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Scrumhalf View Post
          My son's a fifth grader and will run cross country for his school next year,
          Wow, that's awesome!!

          Originally posted by Scrumhalf View Post
          I am planning to do a lot more trail running when it gets a bit more dry. It's been crazy wet in the PNW this winter - hasn't cracked 60 degrees yet, the latest since 1940 at least.
          Yeah, I hear tha! I can't wait for the ground to dry up so I can do more with the kiddos outside...

