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Late Night Training

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  • Late Night Training

    Due to my schedule now, the only time I can hit the gym is between 9-11 do cardio, and lift, and the question, I know you arent suppose to eat much, if anything after....well, Im outta the gym by 11, and in bed by midnight usually now for in a cutting phase...any suggestions on what to consume after my workout?

  • #2
    IMO, it is imperative to eat, even at that late an hour. Your body needs the nutrients in order to avoid catabolizing the muscle you've worked so hard at gaining. Since you're cutting, perhaps stick to straight protein...I suggest egg whites.


    • #3
      i work out late.... around 8:30/9. i have my post workout shake with carbs. then i try (if i remember, my discipline is bad) to have another shake, or i used to eat eggs before i went to bed. which reminds me... i need more eggs.


      • #4
        When I worked out late.. there was a fine line of carb intake i would follow.... rounghly 35-45 g depending on the intensity of the workout
        and all the protien i could muster


        • #5
          even for cutting Nekra?


          • #6
            Dude, I don't believe at all in the no carbs before bed thing. . .If you just worked out then eat up. . .when I am dieting for a show and I have X amount of meals to eat. .I will eat in the middle of the night if that meal has to be eaten. As long as you are doing the work your body will use that shit up:)
            If you are really concerned about it then hit a protein source like cottage cheese as it is slow release so to speak. . takes longer to digest and absorb; but definitely have a shake with carbs if you just finished working out.


            • #7
              I agree feed your body bro.


              • #8
                Look at it this way, most folks are horrible breakfast eaters, so if you are one of them, you train and then you go over 12-14 hours before a really good nutritious mid morning meal or whatever, can you spell catabolic, lol.

                Yes, like everyone else, eat.

