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Training for a 14 year old.

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  • Training for a 14 year old.

    What is the opnion on training for sports plus a little weight loss. Diet is on point. What kind of routine does everyone reccomend?

  • #2
    What does he/she like to do? You can do regular weight training at 14 - I specifically asked this question to my son's pediatrician (he is 15) and was told that weight training at this age is fine. But mix in some aerobic stuff - how about mountain biking or trail running? Those are fun activities that you can do together, since he/she is probably getting to a point where they can stay with you and not slow you down. But I think that at this age, find what the kid wants to do and then structure it around that activity. You want to make it fun so that they learn fitness lessons that last a lifetime. Last thing you want is for them to associate fitness with drudgery during these impressionable years.


    • #3
      Scrum said it best. If it becomes a negative thing for them its all over. Associate it with health and looking and feeling good. Sets and reps and routines at that age can be tricky. Just focus on form and function. Give them a little challenge but keep it light.


      • #4
        He is an infielder in baseball. We have been sticking to 6-8 sets of compound movements per workout (workout 1 = legs, 2 chest,3 back).After he lifts we do about 15 min of sled drags,farmers walk, bodyweight excersises sprints, steps with a weight vest etc. I was gonna change it up to a more "funtional movement" type routine for a couple of weeks to keep it interesting. He is actually a PT client and doing great. He is trying to lose about 20 lbs. Hes down 12 in 2 weeks. Ive been stressing to him dont worry about weight loss,focus on body comp. Im actually carrying him mountian biking this weekend. I love riding.


        • #5
          I would stay away from heavy compound movements like heavy squats, since it can effect his growth but everything else is fine. Agree with the guys about keeping it fun, different but challenging.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BEAST View Post
            I would stay away from heavy compound movements like heavy squats, since it can effect his growth but everything else is fine. Agree with the guys about keeping it fun, different but challenging.

            We are not going heavy at all. I emphisize form over weight right now. i just changed his training this week. His mom says he is really liking it. Im incorperating some of my mma training as well as light compound movements included in circuits.


            • #7
              Since he is into sports, how about structuring it around plyometrics, explosive strength, etc.? Hang cleans, power cleans, weighted clap pushups, box jumps, burpees/mountain climbers, etc.?


              • #8
                I would also find ways to work into the conversation that all he needs is food and AS won't do any good. To many high schoolers these days just getting stuff from a friend and trying to take, what they think, is the easy way.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TKD View Post
                  I would also find ways to work into the conversation that all he needs is food and AS won't do any good. To many high schoolers these days just getting stuff from a friend and trying to take, what they think, is the easy way.
                  I make this a point. The kids father passed away about a year ago.His mom does great with him and helps a ton. He listens to everything. He has done everything including diet, spot on. He wanted to lose 20 lbs before april.I told them not to worry so much about weight on the scales but bf%. This is week 3 with me. He started at 136 lbs. He weighed 121 and down 6% bf. I get asked at least once a month about juiceing from a teen. The first thing I ask is "how is your diet?' I even had a baseball dad ask me if I thought he should start his 16 yr.son on test. I couldnt believe it.


                  • #10
                    ^Wow. Talk about loser dads living vicariously through their sons. Damn...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Scrumhalf View Post
                      ^Wow. Talk about loser dads living vicariously through their sons. Damn...

                      You got it. I laughed at him and told him the kid had more test pumping though his system than anyone in the gym at the time. He wanted to put size on the kid. After a about 1 day I figured out his biggest problem was over training. It was crazy how much he was doing in a day.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by speedracer59 View Post
                        What is the opnion on training for sports plus a little weight loss. Diet is on point. What kind of routine does everyone reccomend?

                        Light weight,,,high reps and just 1-3 sets per bodypart.
                        Try doing a complete full body routine or upper/lower body split.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ashop View Post
                          Light weight,,,high reps and just 1-3 sets per bodypart.
                          Try doing a complete full body routine or upper/lower body split.
                          I will probably go to this in a couple of weeks. Thanks

