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Rotator cuff getting worse

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  • Rotator cuff getting worse

    So for many years and I mean many many years, I've suffered this injury and have refused to do surgery,just like my carpet tunnel syndrome, fuck surgery.

    HOW FUCKING EVER lol....seems the horizon is creeping on me for this surgery. Remember when I ripped my pec? The pics I posted?

    When I had the MRI done, at the time (2yrs ago) I was told I needed the surgery and I opted out. I will say that the titanium rods I have in my forearm, certainly has IMO sped up the process.

    So I'm at a crossroad and wanting to keep putting it off. This morning we were doing our normal WOD and it always consists of some sort of clean jerk pulling or some sort of movement were rotator cuff is used extensively.

    They help me tons at the gym on stretching and deep tissue massage, actually been getting a deep tissue massages twice a month now because it's gotten worse. I don't take pills for pain, sometimes I may take a script ibuprofen, but that's it. When I smoke, it helps the pain but the issue still is there.

    What I'd like to know from anyone that's had this surgery or knows GOOD proper solutions for this? Maybe another type of stretch or massage or perhaps taping more? I do tape it and it helps, but im.not walking around with tape on me lol.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated, even those who are browsing, feel free to post.

    I don't usually ask for help but this time, I need your guys input. Thanks.

  • #2
    I'll just make two points;

    1) I've had a bulging disk for many years, I'm guessing 15. Left it alone but it flared often and eventually, what happened happened.
    2) during my 7 months off training, an inflamed bicep tendon and other shoulder issues Ive had for years, have completely vanished. Total rest was key.


    • #3
      Ok so total rest is key? But the issues would still be there when I return. I do notice when I take 2 days in a row off, I feel great. But I usually don't take time off, I know that's bad


      • #4
        aside from surgery. like mr.i said.. rest.

        increase fish oil dose per day. (helps with inflammation)

        certain bodybuilding drugs can def help, it's up to you whether you want to give them a try or not. deca, hgh, tb-500 can all be very helpful.

        rest and ibuprofin for 2 weeks is the first thing i'd probably try.


        • #5
          Originally posted by rado View Post
          Ok so total rest is key? But the issues would still be there when I return. I do notice when I take 2 days in a row off, I feel great. But I usually don't take time off, I know that's bad
          it may or may not return. it's about letting the area heal and inflammation go down. if it does not go away and pain always returns no matter what. than surgery is probably needed.


          • #6
            Any white tissue takes along time to recover.

            All I'm saying is that your about the same age as me. I'd rather take six months off and get everything repaired either through rest or surgery than have a major incident and incapacitate yourself so unable to do daily job .

            I want to be lifting etc forever.

            Unless you are saying there is structural bone spur or something that won't go away, Id be inclined to switch to yoga for three months


            • #7
              Before I stopped training I was regularly shoulder dumbell pressing 155s. When I go back I may never do that again it will all be pre exhaust work. I'm just saying sometimes we have to adapt


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
                aside from surgery. like mr.i said.. rest.

                increase fish oil dose per day. (helps with inflammation)

                certain bodybuilding drugs can def help, it's up to you whether you want to give them a try or not. deca, hgh, tb-500 can all be very helpful.

                rest and ibuprofin for 2 weeks is the first thing i'd probably try.
                rest is what I keep hearing ugh. I don't want to rest nor do I like resting lol...catch 22...but I may need too because I refuse surgery.
                Deca has crossed my mind, but not sure I'd give it a try.
                Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
                it may or may not return. it's about letting the area heal and inflammation go down. if it does not go away and pain always returns no matter what. than surgery is probably needed.
                I need to own it and rest, so hard though


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mr I View Post
                  Any white tissue takes along time to recover.

                  All I'm saying is that your about the same age as me. I'd rather take six months off and get everything repaired either through rest or surgery than have a major incident and incapacitate yourself so unable to do daily job .

                  I want to be lifting etc forever.

                  Unless you are saying there is structural bone spur or something that won't go away, Id be inclined to switch to yoga for three months
                  Originally posted by Mr I View Post
                  Before I stopped training I was regularly shoulder dumbell pressing 155s. When I go back I may never do that again it will all be pre exhaust work. I'm just saying sometimes we have to adapt
                  Resting is something not many of us do. We put great work into our bodies and when they start to deteriorate, ironically we don't wanna stop.


                  • #10
                    I have a hard time with not training myself. It's my escape, it helps my mind in a way nothing else can. So resting, while good for my body is terrible for my mind.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
                      I have a hard time with not training myself. It's my escape, it helps my mind in a way nothing else can. So resting, while good for my body is terrible for my mind.
                      You have no idea how many times I've said this...working out in general is my drug of choice. There is nothing more relaxing training alone, doing your thing and just being to yourself.


                      • #12
                        and that is the reason so many keep training with damaged bodies. it's very easy to see that someone needs a break but it's very hard to see it when that person that needs a break is ourselves.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
                          and that is the reason so many keep training with damaged bodies. it's very easy to see that someone needs a break but it's very hard to see it when that person that needs a break is ourselves.
                          The irony...we train to be healthier or look better yet it can be so counter intuitive at the same time ha


                          • #14
                            I've actually benefitted mentally from stopping. It's taught me some lessons. I can manage fine without and im at peace. When I go back my attitude will be different.

                            Ironically several people have told me how much younger I look. My face is less lined and pressured.

                            I put that down to reduced grimacing and stress.

                            Mentally prepping to lift heave 4 days a week takes its toll and I used to feel dizzy at times.


                            • #15
                              What does the MRI show? Is it something torn? My buddy has a bone spur and he has no intention of doing surgery, the recovery will take a long time. He gets annual cortisone shots and they help.

