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To stretch or not to stretch?

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  • To stretch or not to stretch?

    Ok, I have read pro's and cons for both. I have alway stretched. I read that you should stretch berfore during and after workouts. I read streching during after excercise is dangerous. I have read that streching in general weakens the muscle by making it longer and more "loose". Probably the best idea I have had with all the contradicting info isto warmup instead of stretching. Use very light weight and high reps or get on a bicycle with those moving arms @low impact for a few minutes. What is everyone elkses opinion?

  • #2
    i have to admit that i only stretch prior and just enough to get loosened up at that. i've also gone on the premise that stretching lengthens the muscle... being tall already, that is that last thing i want to do. i also consider my first 2-3 sets of any exercise as a warm-up, and then i hit it heavy as all hell for the last 2-3 low rep sets. i've been told i'm pyramiding, but i don't look at it like that at all. i do not consider those initial sets part of the workout... just a warm-up if you will.


    • #3
      The main point I've always heard emphasized is never to stretch a cold muscle.

      I usually stretch after my workout, and sometimes in between sets (but lighter).


      • #4
        I have stretched before a workout and after a workout and do not like either method. Typically, I end up hurting something. For stretching, I prefer doing a complimentary exercise--like standing triceps extensions to stretch the biceps. That way, the joint and muscle are under load and there is no tendency to hyperextend and accidentally injure something. I cannot recall running into any problems using this technique. Good luck in any case! :)


        • #5
          i ALWAYS stretch before and after workouts...


          • #6
            I stretch before i work out, to the point where I feel as though I'm warmed up enough to start pounding. I also do warm up sets before i actually go balls to the walls with all my sets because this way works well with me. Sometimes I may stretch after my work out especially leg day, but not as intense as i would before my work outs. It's about listening to your body and figuring out what works well for you. Maybe some of us need to stretch lightly or some intensely but i believe stretching is definitely a plus along with warm ups because it adds to the blood flow whether it's before or after. I wouldn't recommend it during the work out because your muscles are already under intense shock therefore making it dangerous for a shocked and pressured muscle to try and stretch.


            • #7
              i do a light stretch and warm-up before a w/o; seems to work for me


              • #8
                I like to do a couple light weight high rep sets to warm and get blood into that muscle then stretch the muscle. Then I'm ready to go heavy.


                • #9
                  I always stretch before hand so I won't pull a muscle working out. I usually start off by laying on a floor mat in a straddle split and reach out in front of me for about 3 minutes.


                  • #10
                    I firmly beleive that stretching before is useless, and it does reduce strength. Stretching AFTER is the most important part and can reduce soreness. The reason I think stretching before is bunk is because most people do not go through a proper warm up before stretching which in turn can increase the probability of injury. Stretching before and after will not make any more difference in terms of increased flexibility then just stretching after anyway. For every study or opinion that states stretching before is good for you I can show you one that claims it does nothing, makes you weaker, or increases injury.

