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Upper Pec Advice?

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  • Upper Pec Advice?

    We all have our body parts that we'd like to improve and one of mine is my upper pecs. They are not lagging to the point that anyone else would notice but it's an area I'd like to improve. Have great upper body development but would like some tips that other bros use to develop thickness in the upper pec area. I already do a lot more incline than flat bench work and am looking for any other ideas that may help. Want to achieve that look like there is a shelf of muscle eminating out from my collarbones. BSH

  • #2
    well, i am trying to get my upper chest bigger right now too

    mainly all i do i start every chest routine with incline db or barbell press, then incorporate some incline db flyes...try getting a good stretch and squeeze for each rep of each of these exercises...


    • #3
      Do 4 sets of progressively heavier inclines,12,10,8,and 6 reps followed by a burn-out set of as many as possible with the weight you used to get the ten reps.After this do 3 Super-Sets of DB inclines with incline flyes.Use the same amount of weight on all sets and take very short rest periods between Super-Sets.shoot for 10 reps each exercise and just fgo for a burning pump.For example 70lbDB`s on presses & 30lb.DB`s on flyes all sets.Good luck!


      • #4
        Hope this helps a bit.

        :rofl: I like Ski's reply. The is a lot you can do. One simple thing is to take a 5 second upper chest flex in between each set of incline work. This will keep blood pumped into the upper pec area while you wait for your next set, expanding the upper chest and fatiguing it a bit more. Simple right?

        Another thing you can try is supersets. Simply grabbing a set of 35's (or whatever would be really easy to hit 12 reps for you) and go to the incline bench. Do a set of 12 flies then immediately dumb the dumbells and grab the barbell and proceed to hit 9-12 reps (but no more then 12). The dumbells will pre-fatique your upper chest so when you go to the barbell motion your chest will die out before your triceps will. This is just another way of hitting the upper chest.

        I personally like going with a 6-8 week routine where I will start off with barbell incline, then move on to dumbell incline presses, then burning out with 2 sets of incline dumbell flies and then I move on to the flat bench. May seem a bit strange but each thing helps.

        Im going for a 500lb incline hopefully within the next 6 to maybe 8 weeks. I've worked hard on my pec development over the years and the more you change things up the better off you will be. Doing pauses has always worked great for me, and also speed reps. This will increase your pec strength quickly and in turn this will increase muscle mass. Good luck. PEACE! KIR


        • #5
          500 pound incline?? Damn that`s awesome! Good luck ,I hope you get it.


          • #6
            Thanks for the replies bros! LOL Ski, good described my last chest workout almost exactly! Damn, KIR 500 lb incline?! Good luck with that. I gave up trying to hit big weights due to sucks getting older. BSH


            • #7
              Brick,That`s because great minds think alike bro! lol


              • #8
                Hey, don't let KIR kid you. He's actually doing more than that. He's just humble and won't really share the actual wt. he's doing. Trust me.


                • #9
                  LOL Pneck! ;) PEACE! KIR


                  • #10
                    Brick House, keeping your form and isolating your movements is most important when doing these exercises that everyone here prescribed. So when lying on the incline bench make sure your chest is upright(back arched good), feet flat on the floor with buttocks tucked tight to the seat and pull your shoulders back so you'll be hitting your upper pecs with precision bro.. When you pull the bar off make sure your buttocks stays put and your movements of the poundage should be one motion , no pausing. And i would recommend a spotter in order to blast those deep fibers.


                    • #11
                      I like MASS's advice until he said NO PAUSES. Fuck I've built a huge incline and thick upper pec area doing pauses. Nothing like trying to move weight that is at a dead stop. Gets all those muscle fibers working hard to get that weight moving again.

                      Next, I dont necessarily like to keep my feet down flat on the floor. In general, all the good benchers will keep their feet BACK so as to only really have the balls of their feet and their toes on the floor. This forces you to keep a nice natural arch in your lower back, forcing the shoulders down and chest up. It is the eaiset ay to get into the right form for flat or incline bench routines. Just my 2cc's. PEACE! KIR


                      • #12
                        Oh, but I did LOVE Mass's advice as a whole. Sometimes we dont take enough time to explain how to get set into place for certain excersises. Even though we explain these to you, it will be hard for you to imagine until you get set to do the range of motion. Possibly taking some of MASS's words of advice to the gym with you, may help you get set into position (but putting feet Good luck. PEACE! KIR


                        • #13
                          Am I doing enough I do incline only w/ incline press/ flies( Power, heavy and light days) Powers is about 85% 14 sets of 1-3 reps w/ 3 min rest/ Heavy is about 10 set/ 6 reps 90sec rest and light is till failure with 1 minute rest 8 reps

                          Is this BS or what yall


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by KeepinItReal
                            I like MASS's advice until he said NO PAUSES. Fuck I've built a huge incline and thick upper pec area doing pauses. Nothing like trying to move weight that is at a dead stop. Gets all those muscle fibers working hard to get that weight moving again.

                            Next, I dont necessarily like to keep my feet down flat on the floor. In general, all the good benchers will keep their feet BACK so as to only really have the balls of their feet and their toes on the floor. This forces you to keep a nice natural arch in your lower back, forcing the shoulders down and chest up. It is the eaiset ay to get into the right form for flat or incline bench routines. Just my 2cc's. PEACE! KIR
                            Good angle of seeing things. There is nothing wrong with adding on K.Real, it's good to have info.. coming from different angles so a person can try all, and then see which way is best/comfortable for him.


                            • #15
                              What's the quickest way you know to improve your upper chest area? mines hard but it doesnt really show as much as it should, whats a quick way to build upon what i have started?

