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bulking and cutting

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  • bulking and cutting

    What is exactly the difference between the two and how would one go about getting bulky, and how would one go about getting cut? thanx

  • #2
    Re: bulking and cutting

    Originally posted by scotirishamrock
    What is exactly the difference between the two and how would one go about getting bulky, and how would one go about getting cut? thanx

    i think its all the diet bro. Like for gaining mass, u need a high protein, high calorie, alot of carbs to get big and bulky, also the weight training has to be heavy and all. But for cutting, I think working the muscles still hard and heavy but its all the diet on what u eat. For cutting its best eating lean, high proteins, low carbs, and aerobics.


    • #3
      bulking...gaining muscle...and fat....cutting-trimmin that fat off without losing muscle, so you are one ripped mofo


      • #4
        just my 2 cc's but when i bulk i up my protein, carbs and fats to greatly increase calorie count. i eat every 2 hours . in the gym i up the weight to my 70-85% 1rm .i do 6 -8 reps and do a total of 6-8 sets per bodypart worked. for a cutting cycle i gradually reduce the carbs and fats but try to leave protein alone, i add in my "supplements" , do cardio every am and in the gym i use moderate weight and go 13 -20 reps for 4-6 sets.. this is a real vanilla overview but it shows a basic difference in a bulk and cut phase...

