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Chest troubles

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  • Chest troubles

    I've been an avid lifter for about 5 years now (im 19) and i have well developed traps and shoulders and arms but my chest has never developed like i've wanted it to and it looks very disproportionate to the rest of my upper bosy. I know all wrokouts differ from person to person, but what are the optimal lifts and set/rep's i can do.
    Thanks guys

  • #2
    And i know i need to learn how to type...


    • #3
      What's your chest routine now. That way we have a basis to work off of.


      • #4
        If you are not using dumbbells for your presses, switch and do not use the bar anymore. This will isolate your pecs better than the bar.


        • #5
          My routine starts w/ incline DB presses, into flat barbell and incline barbell then a few sets of a stretching workout. I'm usually doing 8-10 reps and increase weight on last 2 sets.


          • #6
            Drop the bar, add flyes, it should even out over time. And, I know you probably dont want to drop the standard bench press, but let it go, that is what is causing your problem.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Thor
              Drop the bar, add flyes, it should even out over time. And, I know you probably dont want to drop the standard bench press, but let it go, that is what is causing your problem.
              Agree, my chest was lacking in mass too, until I started doing heavy flyes. I've dropped all press and only do flyes:

              incline flyes (35 degrees)
              incline flyes (15 degrees)
              flat flyes

              Since using this new routine (about 2/3 months) my chest is growing better than ever. Like you said before, the fact that is works for me doesn't mean it has to work for you... but why not give it a shot?



              • #8
                Originally posted by Buffster
                Agree, my chest was lacking in mass too, until I started doing heavy flyes. I've dropped all press and only do flyes:

                incline flyes (35 degrees)
                incline flyes (15 degrees)
                flat flyes

                Since using this new routine (about 2/3 months) my chest is growing better than ever. Like you said before, the fact that is works for me doesn't mean it has to work for you... but why not give it a shot?

                I would just make sure you ramp up the weight on flys slowly because form is key and you dont want an injury.


                • #9
                  No no I don't... always train very strict, but always have been quite strong with my chest.


                  • #10
                    yeh, i agree about the flyes, but you dont have to drop the presses all together.
                    what do is superset incline (or flat) flyes, then hit incline (or flat) bench (DB or BB) with little rest as possible. this way you get a great burn in your chest before your arms and shoulders burn out.


                    • #11
                      I started trying something new I got out of Muscle and Fitness.

                      Perform a chest press then alternate with a seated row,it gives you a nice stretchout for the next press.And it so far has some good results.It's a variation on the push-pull routine.


                      • #12
                        Thanks for all the feedback guys. I appreciate it


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Buffster
                          Agree, my chest was lacking in mass too, until I started doing heavy flyes. I've dropped all press and only do flyes:

                          incline flyes (35 degrees)
                          incline flyes (15 degrees)
                          flat flyes

                          Since using this new routine (about 2/3 months) my chest is growing better than ever. Like you said before, the fact that is works for me doesn't mean it has to work for you... but why not give it a shot?

                          thats interesting... i have found the exact opposite true for me. my chest was slightly out of proportion to the rest of my body so i cut out all flys and only do heavy presses. i still cant believe how fast my chest is developing now


                          • #14
                            Good for you!

                            This proves once again that every body reacts different on specific exercises and that's my advice to people... experiment and try to find out what works for you. We don't know shit about your body and you're the only one who can find out, so go to the gym and try different things.



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Thor
                              Drop the bar, add flyes, it should even out over time. And, I know you probably dont want to drop the standard bench press, but let it go, that is what is causing your problem.
                              I had to take this route also and add in flyes which was the problem solver to filling my chest out. when you hit the flyes try to keep your shoulders back and hands turned towards each other, get a spotter who can help you isolate the movement.

