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  • Important!

    Hey girlz. I have a girlfriend(on the surface) has absoulutely beautiful, natural, firm, c-cup breasts.
    However, when I feel them up I notice that they are very lumpy. Now she obviously knows this and tells me that it is I know she's stubborn and I know she doesn't go for doctor check-ups, so should I be worried or is this normal? Should I force her to go for a check-up....shes' 27 yrs old.
    Also, she can excreet "stuff" from her breasts when she squezzes them.....i've been reading that theses symptoms can be a problem. I would appreciate it greatly if you could give me some info. Thanx girlz.

  • #2
    She need to have an annual pap and breast examination by a professional.


    • #3
      i agree with faye. she should definately be getting yearly checkups, obgyns recommend it starting when you are sexually active or 18 years old.


      • #4
        Her GYN should be doing annual breast exams and she should definitely mention the discharge from her nipples. Lumps in the breast can be absolutely nothing or they could be something of concern. My husband had noticed one on one of my breasts and was more concerned than I was, so my GYN had me go in for a mamogram. All was fine. I am due for another soon and although it sucks to have them done, it can save a woman's life.


        • #5
          Thanx girls. I will have to confront my stubborn girlfriend about this.


          • #6
            Can you tell me what the lumps feel like? Normally typical breast lumps feel very different from ones that occur when there is a problem. Also, what color is the discharge?


            • #7
              I would also advise her to see a doc. Women usually get lumps, or cysts that come and go as their cycles do. I get a bump or two before the monthly friend ;) and then it goes away but it still scared me everytime.
              Though I dont think discharge is normal? Especially if it smells funny.
              Push her to the doctor...and good luck

