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  • Anavar

    Hey Ladies,

    This will be my first time doing anavar, and I was just wondering as to what I am going to expect (other than the obvious changes)

    I am 5'3, 115 lbs, but I want more lean muscle and less fat. (tabs are 5 mg and I will be taking them once a day. If I dont see changes within a few weeks, I will up it to 10 mg) I will be doing cardio about 4-5 days a week for about 40 minutes, with weight training 4-5 days a week. I am tweeking my diet and I know what to eat but can you just let me know what else I will expect? Or anything else I could do to make it better? (Sides? I have read about some, but not sure)

    Thanks a lot



  • #2
    Thanks a lot.... I hope it works out ;)


    • #3
      Oh, another question should I follow a certain type of diet, or should I continue what I am doing now?
      I dont eat very much (like 2 times a day) and I know with anavar you have to eat a lot more than that.
      So should I make up a diet where I will be eating like 4-6 times a day mainly consisting of protien, and some carbs (not very high?)
      Thanks, I wont start until I know exactly what I should do.
      :) Thanks everyone


      • #4
        Yeah I know...the only reason I was eating 2 times a day eas because I work at night, and have school in the mornings. So it was hard to squeeze it in, but I will do that now. :) Thanks


        • #5
          i've used anavar in my last 4 cycles. i havent noticed any sides at all. it will make you nice and hard. listen to intimid8orr...he definately knows his stuff....he's been thru all my my cycles with me. the only other advice i would have is to drink LOTS of water! between the anavar and the eca, i experienced alot of muscle cramps in my legs and feet. good luck and let me know if i can help with anything else.


          • #6
            Awesome, you guys are great. :)
            Now where are the ladies? lol
            I will keep that in mind and email ya if I need any help, thank you. :)


            • #7
              Lexi...please eat!!! You can't put on muscle if your body doesn't have the nutrients to do so. I know it's hard when you're busy, but figure it out. Bring stuff with you. You can eat tuna out of the icky water to deal with and just bring a plastic fork and you can throw it out when you're done. You can rely on some protein bars as well...those you can eat when you're driving. Make sure you include some carbs earlier in the day to help keep your energy levels up...a bowl of oatmeal takes less than 2 minutes to make and I've even eaten that when I'm driving...just a few bites at a time when I'm at a red light. :)

              Good luck! I'm planning a var cycle soon myself. :)


              • #8
                Thanks! I will definetely hit the local grocery store and stock up on all of that you mentioned. :) Thanks!!!
                Good luck on your cycle too


                • #9
                  Anavar is a good cycle for the beginner......BUT

                  Lexi....first off, you MUST get a decent diet regimen down BEFORE you indulge yourself for a cycle of AAS. Eating 2 meals a day, your body is holding onto anything you give it becuase it thinks you are starving it. Secondly, eating that little, makes it impossible for your body to grow. Who knows what you can achieve by eating 5-6 meals a day. When you do your cycle (which I don't recommend), and start eating so much calories, your body won't know what hit it because you haven't trained your body to be constantly burning what you put in it...Which is the whole idea behind eating 5-6 times a day. You turn your body into a machine and you are feeding the machine constantly. I would be very apprehensive about jumping right into the major amount of calories. You have got to train your body to constantly burn what you put in it. If it isn't used to those many calories, I would be VERY worried you could suffer some fat gains as well as muscle gains. IMHO, I really think you should get a diet down that you can live with and stick to before doing any cycle.


                  • #10
                    Thank you so much for all that info. Thats what I was thinking and was wondering. So I started today, with hittin the gym hard, and I also ate more. Tomorrow is going to be different, (more food) so I will definetely hold out a few weeks then before I start the anavar. I figured that I could start it now, since I am in decent shape, so thats why I asked. But I will hold out a bit, then, to get my body used to the food I will be eating, and also hit the gym harder.
                    Thanks a lot, as you make a ton of sense.


                    • #11
                      RS gave you really good advice, but instead of waiting a few weeks, you should wait a good 6 months at least to see what proper training and nutrition will do for your body.

                      there's no hurry, if you're already in good shape, then a little time and dedication to the gym will get you to results before even the addition of AAS.

                      good luck and keep us updated!


                      • #12
                        I AGREE 100%. There is no reason for her to start anything right now....she doesn't know what her body will look like once she starts eating properly.


                        • #13
                          My sentiments exactly - I'd give eating right a chance to do it's thing...6 months, maybe even a year before a cycle.


                          • #14
                            Ok, I see... I didnt think about that part, obviously. :(
                            Thanks to everyone who replied, I guess I will continue to add meals throughout the day and work out hard before I do the anavar. :) Thanks


                            • #15
                              Good luck Lexi, you've gotten some great advice here. Glad you decided to listen too, and hold off. Train consistently and eat clean and frequently, before you start anything, and keep us updated on your progress!

